Hunting: Chapter 5 Part 2

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Been a long time and I'm sorry. :( this is the next chapter and I hope, ye all like it.

Sorry for the late update and please excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes.


Chapter 5 Part 2

Just as our lips touched, an unexpected shiver ran through my body. I couldn't describe it, weather it felt good or bad, I didn't know. All I knew was that Lucas' lips were on mine and mine on his.

A few seconds past and I felt myself begin to slip away, I was jumping. I burst open my eyes to see that everything in my sight was fading, including Lucas; even though we were touching he was still fading into the background as an unfamiliar sight was set before me.

It was as white as snow and as cold as snow too. I was shocked by my surroundings, I'd never been here before. I looked around to see any sign of life but was shocked to discover only mountain tops. Looking down quickly, I finally realised I was suspended in the air, extremely high in the sky. At that realisation, gravity took hold as I began to my decent to the ground; fast.

I began quickly to think of anywhere but here to jump to but with each effort I failed, my energy hasn't been resort and the ground was getting closer with each second. Closing my eyes, I braced myself for the impact of hitting the iced ground below. As the icy air cut through my skin I begin to think of the one place I wanted to be.


Tyler's POV

Being awoken by an alarm clock is one think but to be woken up in the middle of the night by someone jumping on top of you, to which I only knew would be Chris, is another.

As his body hit mine with such force it blew the breath out of me, my eyes shot open in an instant. I was ready to murder him. I know when amber isn't around he can't sleep all that well, but messing around when we're trying to sleep is another thing. I clenched my fist as I manoeuvred my body to give him the much desired punch when I heard non other than Kenzi's voice, well more like moan. Taking a propar look down at the body I could just about disinguise her small frame in the dark room.

"Mackenzie!" I called in alarm as I turned her over.

Her body was ice cold but my hand was drenched in a hot liquid. Taking closer examination, I saw it was blood, and there was a lot of it.

Jumping out of the bed, I turned on the rooms light and grabbed the towel that was hanging on the door. Running back to the bed I wrapped it around her as she shivered. I couldn't think of what would of happened. She wasn't in her pyjamas, so this wasn't a sleep jump. She never gose this far with a sleep jump.

"Kenzi?" I whispered more gently than before. Rubbing her arms in an attempted to warm her. Her faces and arms were a mess, covered in blood.

Thinking quickly I picked her up in my arms and headed down stairs, I needed to get her cleaned up and warmed up.

Once we were in the living room in placed her down on the lush carpet in front of the fireplace. Glancing at the half burnt wood, it burst in flames, immeadiatly radiating heat. I removed the towel from the her and gently lay my hands over her body, a few inches from actually contact. My hands began to heat up and a reddish glow formed just at my palms.

As the heat reached her body I saw that her close were almost frozen onto her skin, which was scaled with bloodied ice. Leaving her in front of the fire I ran up to my room and grabbed her some warm clothing.

Once back down with her I melted the iced clothes.

"Kenzi, if you can hear me, I'm just going to change your clothes. Okay?" I asked her quietly. With no replay I began to undress her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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