Hunting: Chapter 5 Part 1

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Hey people. Here is Chapter 5

Hope you like it.

Enjoy =]


Chapter 5

''We are the what?'' Lucas said jumping up from the step he was sitting on.

Taking a few steps back from Lucas I continued, ''we are angles. The gods do exist or at least they used too. We are what are left of their power on earth, descendants of them in a way. I have the power of Hermes and Disdain, the ability of travel and emotion. Chris also has the power of travel but along with that he has strength. He would have the powers of Hermes and Kratos. Tyler has the power of fire and water. His gods would be Hephaestus and Poseidon. Richie has power of insight from the goddess, Isis, and prophecies from the god Apollo. We all have a version of their powers. They have changed over time and adapted to each person. Mine and Chris's version on travel is teleportation. Chris power of strength is pretty much as it sounds, he is strong. Tyler can make fire himself but for him to control water he would need a source. Richie's version of insight is that he can read minds and for his prophecies he is able to see the future, but that one comes and goes. The 'Angles' think that we stole these powers but we did not take them, they were giving to us. Do you understand or am I confusing you?'' I asked as I walked back to Lucas.

He was staring down at me. His eyes showing that he thought I was crazy but with flashes of realisation showing through.

''I think I understand?'' He said but it sounded more like a question.

''Do you have any idea what you ability could be?'' I asked him.

Lucas sat down on the step and heaved a sigh. I sat down next to him as he started to speak. ''I'm not too sure to be quite honest. But they are time when I do something I don't know it.'' He said while rubbing his hand through his hair.

''What is it?''

''Well there was this one time; at school I entered a track race with my friends. We were training for it after school hours one day and I was standing next to them one minute but when the whistle went off I was gone. They were out of my sight. I must have been over 3 miles from the school I was outside a restaurant near my house which is about 3 miles from the school. It has happened a few times since then. The last time being when I saw the 'Angles' following you.'' He said while mentioning with his hands the quotation marks over angles. ''I was running on all those occasions.''

''Want to have a race?'' I asked him standing up.

''What?'' he asked shocked.

''Let's have a race from here to all the way over there.'' I said pointing to the farthest watchtower in the distance.

''Emm . . . okay?'' he said but it came out as more of a question.

''3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . GO!'' I said as I took off with him following.

With my ability of travel I can run quite fast, faster than the top speed of most athletes. I presumed Lucas also had this speed but on a greater level. That is why I wasn't surprised when he zoomed past me in a blur. When I reached our destination, Lucas was standing there in a daze. Not even out of breath. My suspicions of him having speed were correct. Walking up to him I patted him on the back.

''You are also a gift from Hermes. You have the power of speed.''

He just looked at me like I was crazy again. I didn't blame him though everyone else looked at us like that when we explained it to them too.

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