Chapter 5-8

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Until the moment Caleb rejected me, I didn't realize how intimidating putting myself out there for a guy was. Flutters of nerves ran through my veins, racing my heartbeat. The paths of goosebumps trailing down my arms and up the back of my neck urged me closer to him.

Inspired by his genuine honesty, for once, combined with Lumi's internal howls for closer contact, I thought if we connected closer then maybe he... we...

It doesn't matter. Sorry, I tried but... He doesn't want us, Lumi.

She didn't answer, offering a soft whine as the sting of rejection bit into both of us. While my steps retreated, one fluff of my white skirt after another, her tail tucked in between her legs. She slunk into the dark corner of my mind for her own comforts while I licked my wounded ego.

"Zara?" A warm hand enclosed around my upper arm.

Through her glasses, a warm pair of brown-hazel eyes offered a kind, sympathetic look before tears blurred my vision. "What happened?" Elena asked in a half-concerned, half-demanding tone. "What did Caleb say now?"

"Elena." Cole put a hand on her shoulder. "This is a mate issue, we shouldn't -"

She threw him a glared so heated that I was surprised he stood still on the spot. "Shouldn't what? Have you put your fist into Caleb's face?"

"Why would I punch him?" Cole's wide eyes shifted past me and her angry glare. "He's pretty level-headed... And I'm willing to bet -"

"Finish that statement and you'll be the one who's level-headed." Elena jabbed an index finger in the air an inch from Cole's nose, then pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her hands gestured to my face. "Look at her! She's heartbroken."

I'm... Am I?

The pressure crumpling in my chest agreed with her.

"That doesn't even make... never mind," Cole grumbled then turned back to me. "I'm not punching your mate for you, Zara. Sorry not sorry. You two have proven you're capable enough of punching each other."

"It's fine, I..." A heavy, invisible weight pushed down my shoulders. "Need to leave. I'll be in my room."

"I think I'm ready to go too." Elena's eyebrows squeezed together Cole, then she linked her elbow with mine. The near desperate look he threw back at her paused my feet and a lump swelled in the back of my throat.

"No, stay." I looked back and forth between them.

'We already had our... goodbyes,' she clarified, although by the pained look on his face, he hoped for another round of them.

She pressed her lips over Cole's, then threaded her free hand in his and led both of us through the house and back to the front foyer. I let go of Elena's grasp when my tears pricked again at the base of the stairs... where Caleb had looked at me like I mattered to him.

He even told us some things that were true. And his wolf isn't gone.


Lumi's whimpering wrapped around that single word mirrored my own reaction, pushing tears over the edges of my lashes. Careful to not trip over my dress, I made my way upstairs. After much quicker steps down the hallway, I locked the bedroom door behind me and paused at the sight of myself in the mirror.

With my slumping shoulders and damp, red-rimmed eyes, I looked more like I'd been stood up at the altar than rejected by my mate. With trembling fingers, I swiped my raccoon eyes clean, removing all concealer layers until my pale, blonde facial features returned to my reflection.

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