Chapter 2-3

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My eyes widened, taking Alpha Faelen and Luna Cassandra. They stood tall, both with dark brown hair and hardened features. Experience weathered their skin and their dark brown eyes, like the color of chocolate, looked at me through narrowed lids.

"Alpha Faelon." I felt the vibrations as my lips trembled, smiling as warmly as I could, given the circumstances.

One of my hands kept my blanket in place while one extended to shake his outstretched hand. His fingers were cold from the air but his palm was warm.

"Ahem," Elena coughed behind me.

I glanced back at her and she mouthed, 'bow.' Turning back, I hinged at my hips, leaning my head down at Alpha Faelon's black leather boots.

"Forgive me, Alpha Faelon," I mumbled and averted my eyes to the ground. "I'm still working on -"

"Nothing to forgive, we are honored to be your first territory to visit." Pride radiated from his voice, washing over me like the strong breeze. I straightened up, finding the same sense of pride beaming in his eyes.

"My children however..." A flicker of annoyance flashed into his dark irises and his jaw ticked. "Owe you an apology for their absence. Raina is training, while Lucus is tracking the rogues who attacked your travel caravan. Both will join us for dinner later. We assumed that you'd want some rest after the travel, and now..."

"Now I'm a hot mess." My cheeks warmed as I stated the obvious. "But I'll give Lucus my thanks once I meet him."

That was a charming enough intro for a potential future father in law, right? Don't answer, Lumi.

My eyes lingered over my shoulder, throwing a look to Cole for his suggestion that security wasn't what Lucus was doing. Despite the pains that throbbed on the undersides of my feet as I stood on the bare gravel, I pulled my lips into a shaky smile.

"Zara, this is my mate, Luna Cassandra." Alpha Faelon placed a hand on the small of her back in a simple but powerful statement of his affection. She stepped closer, standing a good four inches taller, and took my hand. Unlike her husband, her hand was soft, warm, and smooth.

"Pleasure, Miss Zara." My smile tightened as I bowed again.

Her commanding presence stole my voice, impressing and intimidating me. As I gazed at her beautiful but hardened features, I wondered if all Lunas possessed her unspoken ability to render someone else as insignificant.

My current ragged appearance over influenced my reactions, but I felt like a meek little mouse confronting a lioness. Her face projected both sympathy and understanding, even as my naked butt still stood outside.

"Please, inside." As her hand slid up the back of my bare arm, her eyes lingered for a breath over the multitude of scratches licking my pale skin like crimson-red paint streaks. "Our healer is out with future Alpha Lucus, but we can get you cleaned up until he returns."

"That would be wonderful." I pressed my lips together against the chattering feeling that crept into my jaw. Tingles spread up my arms and legs as my skin pebbled with goosebumps from the wind lashing into my bare skin.

Alpha Faelen turned, then continued the introductions as we walked toward the pack house entrance doors. "This is Beta Anders." He gestured to the tall, broad-shouldered man on his left, who dipped his head once my eyes met his. His long dark hair was tied back at the nape of his neck. A quick screenshot glance to the other males present revealed this was a common hairstyle for this pack.

"And this is Gamma Jameson."

A warm presence brushed over my right arm. Before I had a chance to look at the source,a low growl rumbled behind me. My head swiveled back, finding Cole's eyes dilated to black and lips curled back in a sneer. I was surprised, and touched, by his simple action.

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