Phase 15

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I studied the nurse's complexion a moment, blinking my eyes a few times in the process. I quickly noticed that she had a deep scar, which stretched itself in an almost straight line from the bridge of her nose to outside edge of her cheek.

I broke my stare when she stepped out in front of me.

She reached down into my lap and scooped up the kitten with one hand, which by this point was completely unresponsive. She brought it up to her eye level for a short moment, and looked it over briefly.

She then twisted her upper body towards her left, and dropped the cat onto the concrete floor, forcing its body to utter a small thud-like sound.

My eyes followed the kitten to the floor, but then immediately returned to the nurse once it had landed. She suddenly bent forward and reached towards my lap, then began to untie the tight cloth around my legs.

I looked back to the blood-covered knife in my hand.

The nurse swiftly removed the cloth from my lap, and stood herself back up.

I kept my eyes on the knife.

The nurse walked around to the back of the room, and rummaged around for a long second. I finally took my gaze from the weapon in my hand, and looked down to the floor. The deceased kitten caught my attention, and I studied it slowly. Its small body was sprawled out on its side, and the fur on its chest was soaked in a darkening red.

I realized I had made a mistake.

My eyes watered a little as the nurse walked back around the side of the room. She walked right through my vision, and kicked the cat a little as she passed it.

I looked back to her when she stopped by the door.

While facing my direction, she reached out and ceased the door handle with her right hand. Her left was pushed into one pocket of her stained lab coat.

"Come on, Skye," She commanded softly.

Without even waiting for me to obey, she turned around and swung the door open in front of herself. She quickly stepped out into the hall, and didn't look back before she started walking towards the right.

Her footsteps were highly audible and extremely fast-paced.

I lent my eyes back to the knife in my hand, tightened my grip on it, and then stood.

As soon as I had rose completely, another wave of nausea struck me, along with a stabbing in my lower abdomen.

"Agh.." I mumbled, stepping backwards a bit and grabbing my stomach with my free hand.

I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.

After a few deep breaths, the feeling slowly passed.

I reopened my eyes, and faced the open door before me.

Knife still clutched in hand, I took my time walking through.

Once in the hallway, I turned towards the right, just as the nurse had. I slowly remembered this hall, and recalled what was behind just a few of its doors.

The nurse was not in sight, and I heard no sound other than the one of my steps' movements.

I leisurely walked down the long, quiet corridor. I peered over at each door as I passed.

All were closed, other than one near the end.

I stopped impulsively once I had reached this one, and cautiously turned to look at its insides.

It was mostly dark, with the exception of a little light from the hallway seeping in. All I could make out was the far wall, which was cement-colored and expectedly stained an excessive amount.

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