Phase 13

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“Jasmine!” I screeched, my voice breaking as I did so.

Before even another millisecond could pass, I leaped from the chair. I jumped directly into the door’s direction and, unknowingly, left the knife behind.

“Skye…” The nurse uttered. Her voice was completely unalarmed, and sounded more dragged out than it should have.

By the time I had flown out the door, I was already panting. Not so much from my sudden exert of energy, but from my impulsive panic.

Once in the hallway, I snapped my head instantly to the right, the only direction I could even go.

I had no idea which door to even think to open.

The nurse’s footsteps crept up from behind me, and I immediately turned my whole body towards the right and rushed forward. I nearly sprinted to the closest door, on the opposite side of the hallway. I hurriedly reached out and attempted to twist its handle, but it was locked. I then put my head up by the door frame, and listened for any sounds from the other side.

There were none.

I ran to the next door, on the other wall. I tested it in the same ways, but also came to the same conclusion.

When I began to approach the next one, another scream abruptly caught my full attention.

I opened my mouth to yell back, but stopped short for no apparent reason. Instead of screeching out, I just sprinted directly to the door of which I suspected the cry came from.

Once in front of the door, I repeated the process of grabbing and twisting the handle. Again, I ended up unsuccessful.

I pressed my left ear up against the wood above the handle, and quieted my breaths.

I heard nothing again but silence.

I let out my breath, and straightened my body from my slight crouching position. I looked down at the tiled floor for one, swift second, then gazed back up to see the nurse just standing in the far room’s doorway. Her arms were once again crossed in front of her chest, and her back was leaned against the door frame.

“I think you might be a little too late, Skye,” She half-yelled at me. She seemed completely relaxed, oddly.

I didn’t respond.

I stood still, but my wide eyes wandered themselves around.

Suddenly, a loud crashing sound came from the other side of the door beside me.

I jumped in shock. My eyes instantly widened, and I parted my lips, ready to scream. I turned sharply to face the door. My eyes began to search it wildly.

I opened my mouth more, but before I could yell out, another bang-like sound came from behind the door.

And then came another scream, from Jasmine.

“JASMINE!” I screeched out, immediately following her cry.

A sudden panic overwhelmed me.

I immediately reached out to the door handle, again. I jiggled it with both my hands desperately.

I heard another crash.

“STOP!” I shrieked. After no more luck with the door handle, I began to pound on the door with the heels of my hands.

Another crash.

When my palms were sore and no longer effective, I backed up from the door in a long stride. I took a deep breath, but in a quick fashion. I then swiftly swung my right foot upwards, and used it to kick the door.

The wooden door shook a tiny bit, but not nearly enough.

I backed up, and threw my foot at it once again.

It moved inwards a little more, but was still held in place.

Another crash.

Another scream.

I backed up another time, almost unable to catch my breath.

“Ugh!” I yelled, and pushed my foot into the door, harder than I had either of the other times.

It flew open, and hit the inside wall of the room it led to. Without even letting another moment pass, I dashed through the doorway.

The room was dimly lit; it was difficult to see. It was also suddenly quiet, which alarmed me.

I walked to the left and focused my eyes in the near darkness. I didn’t see anything, other than a random desk against the left wall. I then walked forwards towards the far wall, which was the only area lit by the light from the open door.

The light revealed nothing but an empty area.

I started to breath heavier.

And then another scream came from the far right corner from where I stood.

My head snapped into its direction, and before I could even step forward, the extremely dim light in the ceiling flipped into a full brightness.

I quickly squinted my eyes, and halted myself from moving. Once I could see well enough, I looked into the corner from where the loud screech had come.

My face turned pale.

Sitting on the floor, with her back pressed into the corner of the two walls, was Jasmine. Her clothes were stained with even more blood splatters than before. There was no longer a blood-soaked cloth on her right shoulder to cover her lost arm, but there was one laid underneath both of her feet, or at least where her feet once were.

Standing directly to her left was the doctor, with one hand touching the light switch by the door, and the other clutching the handle of a rusty, metal hammer.

Instantly, I let out an ear-piecing scream, and charged at the doctor.

He held out his left arm in front of himself in defense, but I reached down to grab the hammer from his right hand.

“Skye!” The nurse’s voice yelled from somewhere else near us.

Once I had my hand on the neck of the hammer, I yanked it fiercely towards my body.

“Skye, stop it!” The nurse continued, her voice almost shouting in my ears. As I struggled to get the hammer away from the doctor’s clutch, I felt her hands grab at my shoulders.

“No… No!” I repeatedly screamed, desperately trying to pull the hammer away.

“Skye!” The nurse shouted again, her hands now firmly on my shoulders. She began to jerk my body backwards.

“NO!” I cried, my hand slipping from the hammer.

The nurse dragged me backwards a step or two, and the doctor whipped the hammer from my grasp completely. He then threw it onto the floor by Jasmine, and walked towards me with his hands outstretched. He grabbed my right arm, and assisted the nurse in pushing me backwards.

“STOP!” I started to thrash and kick.

Both the doctor and nurse eventually succeeded in pinning me up against the left wall.

“AH!” I continued my screams.

The doctor took his right hand off of my arm, and then placed it up by the side of my neck. He pressed his fingers sharply into my skin, pushing on my vein.


He pinched harder.

My kicking and resistance began to slow; my body started to relax.


His fingers pressed against my neck as much as they possibly could.

I looked up at Jasmine once more, my vision beginning to blur.

“I…” I started, but didn’t have the strength to finish.

My body suddenly went numb, and my eyesight failed itself, turning into nothing but darkness.

A Little Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن