01 | strawberry cream cheese

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Taehyung hums happily as he bites into his strawberry cream cheese bagel, pink cheese seeping out the sides with every bite as he licks his finger in content.

He shakes his head lightly in attempts to move a few strands of dark brown hair out of his eyes before eventually moving them away with his forearm in slight annoyance.

The gold Versace satin scarf around his neck feels a little too tight as he tugs at it in order to loosen it a bit before straightening out his clothes just as the elevator doors open.

A group of men exit through the door just then, all dressed formally in suits and with either briefcases or portfolios in their hands.

Taehyung assumes that they are here for the new position that has opened for Section Chief after the last one landed a new and higher position in New York City.

He smiles at one of the men who catches his gaze, feeling himself grow slightly flustered when he realizes he probably has smeared cream cheese on his cheek.

A soft chuckle leaves the handsome man's lips as he passes by him, shoulders brushing past him on his way out.

The one thing that surprises and amazes Taehyung is the way the man sports a chestnut haircut, not exactly common among Korean men today.

Taehyung quickly falls under the impression that the man can make even the ugliest of cuts look amazing on him.

He manages to give Taehyung a smirk as he sees the way the other is still following him with his eyes before eventually disappearing through the building.

Taehyung quickly shakes his head to gain focus once again, swiftly entering the now empty elevator and pressing the button for the tenth floor as he struggles to carry his laptop, hot chocolate, and phone in his hands.

He eagerly waits for the small 'ding' to reach his ears, foot tapping against the floor anxiously as he flicks his wrist and takes a look at the time on his Apple Watch.

He huffs as he realizes he is now not only ten minutes late, but twenty. He was just about to skip past the coffee shop earlier when he figured it wouldn't hurt to be a few more minutes late.

Now it seems like a terrible idea as he realizes that his Unit Chief will not be happy to know that he has missed his briefing.

Taehyung sighs in relief when the elevator door finally opens on his floor, gobbling down the remaining bits of his bagel and exiting the confining box eagerly.

He allows his eyes to scan the busy office before his feet begin moving towards his working station, mumbling a series of 'excuse me's as he tries his hardest to not bump into people.

"Taehyung, Namjoon-nim was asking for you!" someone calls out from their station just as their phone rings, making Taehyung's eyes widen in panic at his words.

He should have known it was a bad idea to binge watch The Vampire Diaries for the fifth time the night before, pang in his heart as he remembers all the reasons as to why Elena never deserved either of the Salvatore brothers.

But now as a result, he is so sure Namjoon is going to scold him for his poor time management skills and possibly give him desk duty for his failure to get to work on time.

Taehyung quickly takes a big chug of his steaming cup of hot chocolate, nearly burning his tongue off before setting the cup down on his desk along with his laptop and straightening out his scarf.

He wants laughed to himself when he realizes how much of a pig he is being, quickly taking a glance at himself in the small mirror he has on his desk.

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