Forbidden love

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Backstory: Thomas is your best friends boyfriend but y'all are seeing each other from behind her back but once she finds out y'all are forbidden to see each other like dating wise and so it's forbidden love
I have a feeling this is gonna be a long one and disclaimer Thomas would never cheat on Mia he loves her to much
2 weeks before Mia finding out
Everybody is out of the house except for me and Thomas he's also my secret lover so I'm kinda glad Mia is out the house
I just giggle silently and then I hear footsteps from where I'm hiding and I try not to make noise and then I hear footsteps move away so I get out of my hiding spot and I feel arms behind me
Thomas: haha I got you
Paige: not fair
He puts me down and I turn around and I hug him and he kisses my head
Paige: you do know that we are a forbidden love
Thomas: yeah I know we are but that makes it more exciting
Paige: yeah
I look up and he kisses me and then we hear the front door open and we rush to cut on Netflix
Paige: Thomas let me pick it this time
Thomas: you did last time and you just cut on shameless
Paige: ok so what
Thomas: that show is shit
Paige: is not
I notice my lip gloss on his lips
Thomas: what
Paige: lips
He touches his lips and wipes it off and then Mia walks in the room
Mia: hey y'all
Paige: hey mi
Thomas: hey babe
Mia: what did y'all do today
Paige: nothing really just been hanging out taking turns picking who picks what on Netflix
Thomas: and she's been picking shitting shows
Paige: ok first of all Thomas shameless and all American is a good show thank you
Thomas: yeah all American is shameless isn't
Paige: whatever it's getting late I better go home love y'all
Thomas: I love you too
Mia: love you too bby
I Get up and hug them and I then I walk out to my car and go to me and mads place that we share with each other
Your friends with nessa and mads none of them care so your good if you don't like mads then you can pick some of your choice that was just the first person I could think of
And I walk in and she is sitting on the couch and I walk over to the couch And lay in her lap
Mads: what's wrong
Paige: I hate Thomas not being able to show me off
Mads: yeah I know I get it your in love with him
Paige: yeah I am what isn't there to love about Thomas he's hot he's nice he understands me more than anyone
Mads: yeah
Paige: I hate that they are together but I'm happy they are together Mia is the happiest she has ever been and I can't ruin that but I want to ruin it
Mad: yeah
We just chill and talk about our day today and then we go to bed
A week before Mia finds out
I'm back at hype for a movie night Mia and everybody are downstairs ordering pizza and making pop corn and I'm" in the bathroom" and Thomas is in his room but I'm in Mia and Thomas's room and we are making out and then we hear the door knob start jiggling and we jump apart quickly and I sit down
Thomas: so yeah we want you to jo-
The door opens and Mia walks in
Mia: omg Paige I thought you were in the bathroom
Paige: I got out and Thomas said he needed to talk to me
Mia: is it about that thing we all discussed
Thomas: yeah
Paige: what is it
Thomas: we want you to join hype house
Paige: what really
Thomas: yeah
I jump up and hug them and when I get to Thomas I whisper in his ear
Paige: more hanging out
And then I stop hugging him
Mia: ready for movie night
Paige: yeah
Mia walks out first and Thomas slaps my ass and we walk downstairs
We all sit downstairs and watch movies and then I go home for the last time and tell mads and she tells me I better visit her all the time and I said I will
A few days before Mia finds out
I've been moved into hype house for like a week and me and Thomas have been hanging out a lot more recently and Mia and everybody except for Vinnie gets suspicious because Vinnie knows about it he's my other guy best friend in hype so I tell him everything and he's just happy I'm happy
The night before Mia finds out
We are all at saddle just chilling and Vinnie pulls me on his lap
Vinnie: Thomas has been trying to make you jealous all night so you gotta make him jealous
Paige: ok
Vinnie starts kissing my neck a little bit and moves my hair to the side and kiss my neck up to my cheek to my lip and I see Thomas giving us the death stare
Mia: I don't know you guys were together
Vinnie: we aren't together we started talking
Thomas: since when
He clenches his jaw
Paige: a few days ago right babe
Vinnie: yeah
Mia: well I ship
Paige: thanks mi
Thomas: can I talk to you.....alone
Paige: yeah
I get off Vinnies lap and we go near the bathrooms
Thomas: what the fuck was that
Paige: was what
Thomas: you know what I'm talking about
Paige: you were doing the same thing to Thomas it wasn't just me you were doing it too
Thomas: I wasn't trying to make you jealous at all
Paige: sure
Thomas: I wasn't
Paige: ok sure
Thomas: I wasn't
He kisses me and I kiss him back and then Vinnie comes around the corner And I pull away
Vinnie: come on we are leaving
Paige: ok coming
We walk with Vinnie and I hold his hand cause we are apparently talking now
Mia: what took y'all so long
Paige: I had to go the bathroom and then we talked
Mia: oh ok
We go back to hype and we all go to bed
The day Mia finds out
Me and Thomas are going out to saddle as "friends" and we weren't thinking and when we got back in his car he kissed me and I kissed him back and then we see Hollywood fix
Paige: shit shit Mia watches these fuck
Thomas: yeah fuck is right
He drives off and we talk with hype and I talk with Vinnie about what happened and I'm scared to see how Mia is gonna react
Vinnie: your gonna be fine I promise
Paige: you swear
Vinnie: I swear
Paige: thanks vin
Vinnie: your welcome pai
Me and Vinnie are just sitting in his bed when we hear Mia and Thomas yelling shit
I get up and run in their room
Paige: Mia it's not like that it was an accident
I look at him
Thomas: she didn't make the first move I did I kissed her
Paige: Thomas
Thomas: no I kissed her ok I kissed her she didn't make the first move I did
Mia: break up with her then and we can act like none of this happened and y'all can continue being friends but y'all are forbidden to date ever again
P&T: deal
I hug Mia to show her I'm sorry and she hugs me back and I walk out after looking at Thomas and he says sorry and I walk to Vinnies room and it sit in his bed
Vinnie: how did that go
Paige: good *trying not to cry*
I just start breaking down in tears and he comes over to me and hugs me and rubs my back and I cry into his shoulder
Vinnie: what happened
Paige: we broke up
Vinnie: I'm sorry pai
Paige: I love him vin I wish they weren't together I was finally happy for once vin I was finally happy I wasn't depressed I was happy for once
Vinnie: I know I know
I just cry in his shoulder most of the night and then we stop hugging and we look at each other and we slowly lean in and our lips collide and he lays me down and lays in between my legs and I take his shirt off and flip us over so I'm sitting on his dick and I kiss his neck and leave hickies and I kiss down his stomach and take his shorts off and then his underwear and I suck his dick and he does the same things I do but eats me out and you know how the rest goes now we are just laying down cuddling
Paige: so that happened
Vinnie: yep
Paige: so what does this mean
Vinnie: together
I look at him and smile and kiss him and he kisses me back
Paige: of course babe
Vinnie: what if you want Thomas back
Paige: me and him are forbidden to date again so never
Vinnie: are you sure
Paige: yes
Vinnie: I love you
Paige: I love you too
After that I pass out
A few months later
I guess I better wash my mouth out with soap because I want Thomas back but him and Mia are still together
Paige: hey babe can we talk
Vinnie: yeah what's up babe
Paige: I don't think we are gonna work out
Vinnie: I was gonna do that to I've lost feelings
Paige: I'm still in love with Thomas
Vinnie: yeah I thought so
Paige: friends tho
Vinnie: yeah of course
Paige: what do I do about Thomas
Vinnie: I don't know pai Mia won't let y'all date
Paige: I know but I want him back I love him
Vinnie: I know pai I know you do go talk to him
Paige: ok I'll be back
Vinnie: Kay
I walk out and knock on Thomas's door and he says come in so I walk in
Thomas: Paige what's up
Paige: can we talk
Thomas: yeah
Paige's: where's Mia
Thomas: out with Kouvr
Paige: isnt Kouvr and Alex back in Hawaii
Thomas: I have no idea
Paige: oh well may I come in
Thomas: yeah of course
I walk in and sit on the bed beside him
Paige: I miss you
Thomas: I miss you too but we can't be together
Paige: I know
He grabs my hand and hold it and I look at him
Thomas: I miss you so god damn much but us can never happen again
I start tearing up a little bit and he moves my hair behind my ear a little bit
Paige: do you love her
Thomas: I do but not as much any more not as much as I love you
I start crying and he hugs me and I cry in his shoulder
Thomas: I'll break up with her soon but for now we have to be forbidden
Paige: I know I'll wait
Thomas: what about you and Vinnie
Paige: we broke up
Thomas: I'm sorry
Paige: it's fine I promise
Thomas: well you should go before Mia gets back
Paige: ok bye Tommy
Thomas: bye paigey
I walk out the door and run in Vinnies room
Vinnie: how did it go
I run to the bed
Paige: he's gonna break up with her soon
Vinnie: oh shit
Paige: she told Thomas she was going out with Kouvr but Kouvr and Alex are back in Hawaii
Vinnie: that's weird
Paige: imma text her
I go and text her
Hey mi were are you at
Me and Calvin are out getting stuff for the house
Oh ok
I just didn't know where you were
Ok I'll see you when I get back to the house
Ok love you
Love you too
I stop texting her and text Calvin
None virgin😂
Hey where are you
Out with Patty why
None virgin😂
Just wondering lmao
Ok lmao
I stop texting him and I run to Thomas and mias room
Paige: tommy
Thomas: yes
Paige: whatever you do please don't be mad at me
Thomas: ok?
I show him the texts
Thomas: why would she lie to me
Paige: I don't know
Thomas: I gotta break up with her
Paige: we should leave and live our lives
Thomas: like runaway
Paige: yeah
Thomas: ok let's pack
Paige: ok
I run out the room and run to me and Vinnies room yes I moved into Vinnies room when we were dating
Paige: I don't have time to explain but remember I love you and I'll see you sooner than you think
Vinnie: what's happening
Paige: me and Thomas are running away together we will be in Hawaii ok
Vinnie: ok
Paige: I love you
Vinnie: I love you too
Paige: we will talk everyday ok
Vinnie: ok
I hug him and then I start packing and then o put my stuff in Thomas's car and he comes down
Paige: let me say bye to Vinnie
Thomas: ok
He kisses me and gets in the car and starts it and I run upstairs and say bye to Vinnie and leave and we go to Hawaii I tell everybody else and they will come visit and me and Thomas live happy lives

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