Broken leg

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Me and Calvin where sitting there skate boarding or trying to so we're both pretty intoxicated and we aren't skate boarding so we keep falling down and I just fell and when I try to get up my legs hurts
Paige: OW FUCK
Calvin sobers up real quick and runs over to me
Calvin: what happened
Paige: I fell and I can't walk because I hurt my leg
Calvin: ok come on
He helps me up and then we go and get in his car and we drive to the hospital and they call Thomas and he rushes over here and he runs in the hospital and he sees us in the waiting room and runs over to me
Thomas: babe what happened
Paige: me and Calvin where skating and I fell
Thomas: when are they gonna take you back there
Paige: any minute now
Right after I said that they called my name and I roll over there and Thomas and Calvin go with me and then they tell us everything and I broke my leg and they put a cast on it and then we go back to the house and I prop my leg up and I can't sleep at all

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