Chapter 17. The real Aria

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'Zane, how are you feeling?' Asked Malcom, hurriedly entering through the door.

His face appeared truly worried for his friend, but the latter was not thankful for his appearance at all. And why was he not? Well, the said stupid friend was alone, no shadow of Aria could be seen entering through the door after him.

'Where is Aria?' Zane asked as he sat upward with his back rested on the elevated part of the bed, not bothering to reply to Malcom's question. He was in such a bad mood, that he was moments away from lashing out at Malcom.

'Ehh... I was going to go after her, but just after you called your butler passed by. He said he would go find her, so I came to you first, to bring the food he bought.' Malcom replied obediently, Zane's eyes that were colder than usual terrified him at this moment. Seriously how could his friend only have two expressions, one cold and another one colder.

He was staring at him like he was his biggest enemy. It was true that he did not like Aria in the slightest, but he really did intend to find her for Zane. It just so happened that he ran into the butler, and  stopped him to inquire about Zane because he wanted to find out about his friend's health first. And during his conversation with the butler, the request to find Aria popped up, and the butler offered himself to find her. The latter had said that he probably could not recognize her, if Malcom went.

How could he not recognize that vile woman? Her arrogance and cold appearance could be seen from far away, but he did not refuse the butler's offer because he did not wish to find her. Although the butler's face did seem quite certain that Malcom would not recognize Aria... that was a bit strange. Had Aria turned fiercer and eviler since she had lost her memories? If she did indeed lose them.

'Fine. It is indeed better if the butler went. What if you scared the petite woman?' Zane nodded, checking his phone again, searching for the butler's phone number.

 This was a bit troublesome, he should make a note and buy a phone for Aria, so he did not have a problem like not knowing where she was in the future. The phone Aria had in the past was ruined in the accident, and he had not bothered buying another one for her, but he really should acquire one in the end.

'Petite woman... Are you having a fever?' Malcom asked baffled, and approached Zane to take his temperature with his hand.

But he did not touch his forehead in the slightest, when Zane slapped his hand away.

'You know I don't like people touching me. If you really had to take my temperature then just use a thermometer, but now it's not necessary. I don't have one.' Zane said coldly, still not looking towards Malcom.

'Alright, alright. I was only joking. But seriously, are you alright? Why did your ulcer act up again?' Malcom asked resigned. He was not upset at his friend's lack of cordiality or his unfriendliness, Zane had a slight OCD since he was a child, and did not like people touching him if possible.

'I am fine, I was just a bit busy this week and neglected my meals.' Zane replied dishonestly, he did not want Malcom to find out the true reason for his lack of appetite.

'You know you shouldn't do that. Well it's not like you listen anyway. Do you want to eat now? The butler said the food is warmed up. It might not taste so good, if you leave it for too long.' Malcom asked, showing the bag he had in his hand, before placing it on a table in the corner of the room. There was no point in telling Zane about the importance of having a fixed meal schedule, Zane was not one to listen to anyone.

'Not yet. Leave it on the table. I don't know if Aria ate yet. I will eat with her.' Zane replied with his phone near his ear, as he waited for the call to be picked up.

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