Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates

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Finding herself lifted up by two strong arms, Aria yelped surprised and reflexively looked up, as if searching for answers to his unexpected actions. But at this distance, Zane's face was too close for comfort, and as her hazel eyes locked on to the ocean blue ones, her voice was cut off without managing to utter a single word. She dared think that if she moved just an inch closer they would surely inadvertently touch, as a result even her breathing stopped momentarily.

Seemingly unaware of her turmoil, Zane had picked up the small beauty and raised her up, before closing the small distance between their bodies and the bed, then lowered her slowly, until her bottom touched the mattress. In this whole time, just as Aria had kept her eyes on him, he also did not look away at all. The uninterrupted gaze causing them both to feel that this small short moment, felt like a lifetime.

With her finally seated, a bit unwilling he removed his arms, but did not straighten his bent body, still keeping their eyes at the same level. Aria's flustered appearance, her small fair face adorning a redness caused by him, was not a first time occurrence. He knew that each time Aria would feel nervous around him, her cheeks would warm up in a flush, but it was an expression that would emerge because of the unfamiliarity that existed between them. 

It was a shyness perhaps only because he was a person of the opposite gender and, as a person without memories, she would be at a loss of how to act around him, causing this reaction. It would not have any deeper meaning than that.

He was well aware, but now realizing his feelings, his greed to change the meaning of the blush unknowingly surged inside his heart. He did not even realize when he rose his big hand and tenderly cupped her small red cheek, gently rubbing the redness with his thumb, as if this would help in some way. 

Aria had been frozen since he had first touched her, helping her climb the bed, so did not react in time to the intimate gesture. Not that she would know how to react even if she was clear headed.

'Good night, my little wife!' Zane spoke almost whispering smiling a bit, as he removed his hand from her cheek, then turned around and returned to his own bed. Could this be considered a small revenge for the earlier fluster she caused him when she fed him? It could be, right? He thought, with a corner of his mouth raising in a small undiscernible smirk, as he pulled the blanket over his feet.

Honestly speaking, he had only intended to help her up, but seeing her expression that showed she was a bit conscious of him as a man, at least that was his hope, he became a little bolder and wanted for her to realize her status. Bit by bit, he wanted to change her current view of him.

 It seemed the small beauty did not feel so embarrassed when taking care of others, but would be stunned when such care was directed to herself. It was an important information that he needed to remember in the future. 

He felt proud at this small achievement, although ironically he felt defeated at the same time. The softness of her body had made his heart rate increase again. And her confused and flushed face seemed to be able to crack his expressionless one. Ahhh... he sighed, why was this small creature so lovable?

Finally exiting her dazed state after some moments of feeling as though her breathing had stopped, Aria did not look at all towards the other bed. 

She had never stopped to think about Zane, about what his personality was like, and especially his true role in her current life. Zane was the kind of person who would not interact with her at all sometimes, leaving her to her own devices, without inquiring or bothering about her other than asking about her health and general condition, but would also insert himself into her schedule and be as caring and as gentle as he could be at other times, when she least expected it. 

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