Chapter 9: Forgetful Birthday Boy

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Prompt: Tian forgets his own birthday. The time around this is when Tian came back to Pha Pun Dao after 2 years and he has been there for 3 months already.

Phupha always wondered, Tian has been in the village for 3 months now and 2 years ago those months were different to the months Tian currently has stayed here, so when was his birthday? He wanted to ask Nam but the doctor was busy than ever and he can't ask him to look up when Tian's birthday was. Even in the 2 years, Tian was gone, no one, not even Nam and Longtae, mentioned Tian's birthday.

Tian, right now, is busy checking the assignments and seat works that the kids had previously did and knowing the teacher by now from these 3 months, he does not like being disturbed when he is focused on something. Phupha almost got his head ripped off when he tried to disturb Tian and never will he disturb the teacher again. He still wants to live and from the looks Tian gave, he was going to get killed if he continued bothering him.

Phupha and the rangers just finished up going around the forest to make sure nothing suspicious is happening. He was actually just laid in bed with how tired he was. He'd asked Tian to massage him but remembered that Tian does not know how to massage someone's back so never mind on that.

Phupha stood up from the bed and changed his clothes, he noticed Tian's head suddenly moving to the side, completely blocking his sight from his side. Phupha chuckled as he notices Tian's ears turning a deep red. It makes him feel giddy, knowing the effect he has on Tian at times. Even when cooking he gets a bit distracted with Phupha hovering over him. They might or might not have bickered a lot when cooking.

Phupha walks over to Tian and kisses him on the cheek while he rubs Tian's shoulders with his thumbs. "Good night. Get some sleep soon, okay?" Phupha said to his ear. Tian shivered as he feels the ranger's breathe in his ear. He nodded and Phupha got on the bed immediately.

He turned to his left and sleep quickly consumes him, the next thing he knows, he feels the bed moving and an arm going around his waist. He opens his eyes a little bit and saw Tian's head. He burying his face on Phupha's chest as he quickly goes to sleep. Phupha cooed at the sight and had put his left arm out for Tian to use as a pillow and hugged the teacher's waist. He kissed the top of Tian's head and immediately went back to sleep.


The next morning, Phupha got up early just like usual but hesitated for a bit seeing sleepy Tian beside him but he knew he had work to do so slowly got off the bed and put up the net around Tian. He'll wake up later anyways.

Phupha cooked Tian's breakfast and had put it on the table in his bedroom. He covered it and goes to change into his uniform. When he finishes, he looked at Tian for the last time and noticed the weird sleeping mask he had. When did he put that on? He always did want to ask him about the sleeping mask but just shrugged it off.

He walked out of the room, closed the door, and went to the village. The villagers greeted him as he walked and he greeted them back with a nod. He walked to Khama's house and the village chief greets him with a smile.

"Good morning, Chief! I see you're doing the usual rounds." Khama said.

"Good morning, Khama. Yes, I am. I just came here to visit but I'll be going soon." Phupha said.

"That's fine. But before you go, here," Khama gave a container to Phupha. "Give this to Tian. Everyone can see how skinny he is under the baggy clothes he wears, so my wife cooked extra food to fatten Tian up a bit." Khama said.

"Thank you, I'll give it to him soon," Phupha said as he takes the container. He noticed Longtae busy with a book and just left.

He really wanted to ask Longtae about Tian's birthday but the kid seems to be a bit busy. He walks around the forest with Rang and Yod looking at any corners on it and nothing suspicious seems to be lurking.

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