Chapter 16: Don't Give Up So Easily

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Prompt by: OldschoolgirlXx

Hellooo... did u miss me?? So here's an idea:

Tian is going about his day, until he starts coughing harder and harder, that is until he spits up blood. Obvi phupha flips ish and takes him to nam, and nam is like I can't treat this here. So they have to take him to the city, which is long and painful. Titans heart stops, but they get him back. He's hooked up to machines and breathing tubes. They find out it was a blood clot in his heart and lung.

You can either make it a series or a (preferably long) one shot. You can also add in whatever scenes u deem necessary or just want. Bonus if u add extra angst and whump then soften with fluff towards the end ❤️❤️


"Chief! Stop hovering over me and let me cook in peace!"

"But what if—"

"Chief! Seriously, am I that incapable of not knowing how to cook?!"

"Tian, I never said that I just—"

"Then sit down!"

Nam sighed for the tenth time that day because of the bickering couple in the kitchen. The entire day, those two were arguing like some married couple and the rest of the people in the base, either got used to it or facepalmed because of them. They will not be able to eat anytime soon if those two don't stop arguing. A lot of them wanted to interfere to let Tian cook but they all fear that they'll get their heads chopped off by, either Phupha or Tian. They were equally scary when they are really mad. It was already a regular basis to hear them bicker sometimes and be sweet at the same time so no one commented that much.

Yod was now pouting like a child because he wanted to eat already. He wanted to shout at them so much but decided that his life is more important. Rang ended up sleeping on the dining table because of how much he wanted to eat. And Nam already recorded the bickering couple a while ago and now is just bored and half entertained by the two.

Nam stood up and just walked back to the clinic. Maybe he'll just eat whatever chocolate bar he has today. He figured that waiting for the food will only starve him even more. When he got back, he sat down and opened his table drawer, took out a few chocolate bars, and ate them while he drank some water.

A few hours had passed when suddenly Phupha burst into the door with a bloodied Tian in his arms. Nam stood up in a panic.

"What happened?!" He asked as they went to the bed.

Phupha put Tian down on the bed and helped Nam get the things he needed. "We finally got to eat some time ago and Tian went to the room after he finished eating first. After that, we all heard a loud crash inside and when I checked, Tian was on the floor, the stand-in mirror was shattered and Tian is coughing up blood."

"Did you guys check the food?"

"We did but none of them had any poison or whatsoever."

Nam checked Tian's vitals and the more he coughed up blood, the more Nam realizes that he can't help Tian here.

"Phu, we need to take him to the hospital! I can't treat him here! Tian is experiencing something that only doctors in the hospital can help him with." Nam said.

Phupha was worried even more after hearing that but he still carried Tian even though his clothes were getting soaked with Tian's blood. Phupha shouted at Yod to get the keys and when he laid Tian down on the back, Yod immediately ran up and went in the driver's seat. Phupha stayed beside Tian telling him to hold on longer. Tian whose ears were ringing could not make what Phupha was saying. He only could stare at his boyfriend in sadness. He doesn't want to leave the kids, the villagers, and more so Phupha. He wanted to live for them but he's losing his breath as time passes due to the blood he has been coughing up.

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