Chapter 12 - Malise

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We'd finally prepared everything. Not that it mattered. The plan wasn't going to work the way Elvira thought. Because she didn't know who I really was.

"We're done," I said. "We're all set for tomorrow."

"Do you think we'll succeed?"

"I'm sure we will." Just not in the way she had in mind. How would she feel when she found out?

"We should head to bed, then. We have to get up early."

I nodded and piled up some of the books. "I'll prepare everything for travel."

"I'll help."

"It's okay. You're still recovering, anyway." The longer she was closed to me, the more she messed with my mind.

"I just wanted to say..." She took a step closer. "Thank you."

I took a step back. "Don't mention it." If only she knew...

"I'll see you tomorrow, then."

"Yes. See you tomorrow." For the last time.

She disappeared into the bedroom, leaving the kitchen far too empty.

I packed all of the potions and spells we'd prepared. I wrapped them up so I could easily use them when the time came. When I was finished, I blew out the candles.

My gaze slid to the bedroom. Elvira was probably asleep. The human with the strange power.

I had to see her one last time.

I peeked around the corner, but couldn't make much out in the darkness. I moved closer and let my eyes get used to the dark. In what little moonlight shone inside, I made out her hand, hanging off the side of the bed. I stepped closer, just to check if her wound truly didn't need more treatment.


I froze.

"Are you there?"

"I am. I just wanted to check your wound."

Rustling of sheets. "Good idea. We won't have a lot of time for that once we're on the road."

I knelt down at the side of the bed and gently took her arm into my hands. "It's looking good. Does it still hurt?"


"It should heal nicely." I brushed my fingers over her skin. I almost didn't want to let go.

"You know, when all of this is over..."

I couldn't see her eyes, but I knew that if I could, that they would take my breath away.

"You don't have to leave. You could stay with us. If you'd want to, that is."

I wanted it. I didn't even realize how much I wanted it until she made the offer. But Elvira's safety was my priority, and I couldn't have it both ways. "I'd love to. But let's not think too far ahead. We have to get Asha to safety first, and then we can talk about what comes after."

She nodded, and I was grateful for that.

"Do you want to sleep here?"

The question was so unexpected that I thought I hadn't heard it right. "Here?"

"Yes. It must be more comfortable than in the kitchen."

I shouldn't. "I'd like that."

She scooted over to make room for me. I laid down next to her, so close that I could hear her breathing. It was all I could focus on in the darkness.

"Thank you," she said. 

"What for?"

"For coming into my life." Her breath brushed against my cheek.

I swallowed. "Don't be."

"But I am."

I don't know who moved first. Perhaps we both did it at the same time. But her lips touched mine, her hand finding my cheek and cupping it. I moved closer, impossibly close. I wanted more of her, all around me. 

She climbed on top of me and I thought I'd die. But I would have welcomed death for just another touch, just a bit more of her. 

Who could have known when I first saw her, what she'd become capable of doing to me?

When I first saw her in this town.

When I moved in to mark her.

To tear her sister from her.

She'd miss me without knowing who I truly was. What I'd done to her.

"Wait," I said.

She stopped moving and I almost regretted interfering. But I had to tell her the truth.

"What is it?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice. I couldn't see her but only felt her presence more strongly.

"I've been lying to you."

Don't. Stop. She doesn't need to know. Enjoy tonight, you'll never see her anymore anyway.

"I'm not who you think I am."

"What do you mean?" She sat back but didn't quite climb off me yet.

"I'm not some rogue witch with a grudge against Mother Zaleria."

"What are you saying?"

Goodbye, Elvira.

"I was sent here to collect your sister."

Now, she did move off me.

I scraped my throat. "We have this system. A method. We force withes to reveal their power so humans start hunting them. We make them afraid of humans, that way. We alienate them from their home, make them too afraid to return there. Then, when they're about to be thrown on the pyre, we save them. Most witches end up clinging to us for safety, never daring to leave the coven. Because Asha only has you, we decided to use this method on her as well, to make sure she wouldn't try to return to you."

"Are you saying... Are you telling me..."

"It was me who marked you. I didn't know which of you two possessed the gift, so I marked you both. I let myself get caught with spells prepared on my body. Most witches aren't that well prepared when caught unexpectedly, so they hadn't expected that."

"Tell me you're lying," she begged me. "Tell me right now."

I didn't. Instead, I continued. "When I realized you were the wrong sister, I had to come up with a plan. I had to convince you to take me to Asha. I had to... I had to make you trust me."

There was a sharp intake of breath. "When you said that the witches overpowered you and took Asha away..."

"I handed her over. Against her will."

"Then why are you here? You've got her, why stay?" The tremble in her voice shattered me inside.

"You. I stayed for you."

"Get out."

"I was wrong to hand her over. But I can help get her back. I won't make it out, but I can help get Asha to safety."

"I don't need your help." She moved away from me.

"They don't suspect me. I can move freely, I can get her out."

"And trick me again?"

There was no way I could make her trust me now. Of course she couldn't. And yet, it cut somewhere deep inside me.  I'd been stupid to think this could ever be my home.

I knew exactly where I belonged.

I got up from the bed. "I know I can't stop you from going after Asha. Just... be safe."


I didn't protest, but my trembling legs did as I walked out. 

I was a witch. I didn't belong among humans.

My real home was waiting for me.

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