Chapter 15

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Hours later I sat at my dressing table, marveling at how seamlessly the wires from my chest joined to the new charm suspended from the fine chain around my neck.

“Admire it, do you?”

I had left the door cracked open behind me, expecting Schuyler would be along soon to fetch me for dinner. I had not expected a visit from this man, who had somehow made all the way into the room and right up over my shoulder without my hearing or seeing him reflected in the glass.

He stood there, listening scope slung around his neck, one foot crossed over the other, and at the sight my stomach turned and tumbled. Just looking at him was enough to banish every other thought I could possibly have. Looking at him was how I wished I could spend all my time for the rest of my days.

“I do. It is a very pretty thing, Doctor Godspeed.”

He muttered something under his breath that I did not quite hear, but could have sworn he made reference to the necklace not being the only pretty thing in the room.

Whatever he said, the tone was enough to turn my usually chalky cheeks the color of the flowers on the curtains, and I looked down and straightened the skirt of the brand new white dress Schuyler had sewn for me.

“You… look different,” he observed.

“The dress, sir,” I offered, speaking softly as if it were a great secret. “Schuyler is a genius with fabric.”

He leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Don’t let him hear you say that, or we will never hear the end of it, the lot of us.” He remained where he was, just behind me, and I could feel his breath falling softly against the back of my neck. The sensation caused a shiver to travel through the whole of my body, and I wished nothing more in this moment than that I could turn around, look up at him, and tilt my face toward his…

“It must feel a great burden has been lifted, now that you are no longer chained to the box.”

“Oh, sir, I cannot begin to explain.” I did whirl around now, so quickly that he took a noticeable step back. I tried not to let my disappointment show. “The gift you have given me, not only life itself but the ability to truly live it for the first time, is something I could never thank you enough for.” I blinked away tears. “You’ve healed me, Doctor Godspeed. I am well.”

“You are alive,” he replied cautiously.

I worried at his tone. The truth of its meaning was discovered in the next instant when I asked a seemingly innocent question.

“Now that I am free of the box I appear almost normal, or I could with a cloak. When may I go outside?”

Quinn looked at me with a mixture of worry and annoyance. “Your accommodations no longer suit you, Miss?”

"No, it's not that." I didn't mean to seem ungrateful, though I doubted any animal would allow this — to be captive indoors so long without at least one attempt being made at escape. "I only wish to walk with the grass beneath my feet again. To take in the blossoms on the trees, and feel the wind upon my face."

He looked at me with a new expression, one I had not seen before. I didn't have long to marvel at it though, because his blunt response was not at all what I was expecting.

"You can't go out during the day. Not any more."

I was so shocked, indeed horrified by the declaration, that I could scarcely breathe, let alone speak.

"You will remember that I told you sacrifices would have to be made for your life to continue. That a great price would have to be paid."

I nodded, already dreading words he had yet to say.

GodspeedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon