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I am so sorry for the constant POV change. I know some people don't like it but I just write in whatever Pov I feel comfortable using at the time.


Alex's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was in a big room with various decorations.

My room.

But how? I don't remember coming back. Did Kaleb help me? But I didn't even talk to him properly as I was too busy sleeping.


'Reebell where are you?' 'Reebell' No answer.

"REEBELL" This time I yelled his name out loud.

"Geez stop yelling. I was sleeping." A tiny blonde head floated in front of my eyes. He was in his tiny pajamas with his cap almost falling off his head. He floated there rubbing his eyes while at the same time trying to cover his ears.

"Oh, you are such a drama queen. Where were you last night? Why didn't you answer? How did I come back home?" I asked quickly. He sighed.

"Last night I was....I was- I don't really remember where I was. That's weird." Reebell said more like mumbled.

"So you mean you don't know what happened yesterday?"

"No, I don't remember anything after you grabbed me by my leg. Which I am still angry about by the way. I was eating. I could have died from choking." Reebell exaggerated. 

"Young master. Please get ready to meet the duke before you go to the academy." Vera called from outside the door.

Academy??!! Oh right. It's today.

"Vera come in." I quickly threw the blanket off me and started to freshen myself up.

Vera insisted to 'assist' me while I bathe but I refused. I still am an independent 21st-century boy and having someone watch me naked is not cool. It's weird enough for me when she helps me get dressed but I let her do that since I have no clue about the game's fashion.

I was dressed in a white shirt and black pants and a blazer and a tie that was also blue. The academy's emblem hung attached to the blazer.

"Duke has called you. Please young master, don't do anything rash that will make him punish you any further." Vera begged. The old Alex was a very big troublemaker. He didn't know what to say or when to say, got into frequent fights, and bullied people. He even raped a woman after he turned 17. Now that I think about it, he did deserve to die. I shivered at the thought.

I am not going to be like him.

I walked down the long hallways to reach his room. I will be seeing him for the second time after we first met at the dining table.

Eating in a room full of people who hate me was not something I wanted to do every day. So I started having meals in my room or simply skipped them.

'Skipping meals is not a good habit.' Reebell nagged. Vera and Reebell always nagged me whenever I said I would skip a meal.

'So Reebell tell me about the duke.' I asked.

'Didn't you read the story?' He asked.

'Yeah, but the story did not really explain the life history of a minor villain. In fact the story was not descriptive at all. It basically focused on the heroine's harem. The plot was not too elaborate nor was the history of the characters (Other than Mls) or the world was explained.'

I Reincarnated As A Cannon Fodder Villain??!!!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα