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1.5K+ reads....I am speechless. When I started writing this story I did not think that it would have this much potential.


I stood in front of the Royal Magic Academy. The story did describe the school as big but it was a freakin city. One could easily get lost among all those pathways and corridors.

I knew where my class was thanks to Reebell's guidance. Knights in black and white uniforms were scattered all over the place.

Since the academy was attended by royals and children of dukes, royal knights were also stationed in different areas.

When I entered my class there were a few students present who were chatting and gossiping among themselves. Issac was not there yet. As soon as I got in the chatter stopped and everyone looked at me. I didn't like being the center of attraction and I quietly went to my seat which was in the far back near the window.

Nice!!! I always wanted one of those window seats but was never assigned one in my previous life.

I quickly went there and sat down. I gazed out of the window. My class was on the fourth floor so the view was very nice. I could see the big garden with many different colors of flowers in it. Soon the bell rang and people started pouring in. I saw Issac and some other guy come in together. They gave know what....scratch that.....everyone gave me dirty look before going to their seats. But guess what bishes....I couldn't care any less.

Soon the teacher came in and everyone looked up. She was a middle-aged woman with short black hair reaching her shoulders and big brown eyes. Her eyes held adoration and excitement. Anyone could tell she loves children and her job a lot. She was one of the very few teachers who didn't hate Alex. She even tried to change Alex's bad attitude.

"Today, I will introduce you to a new student. Everyone, welcome Lawrence Rhyes." Ms.Abigail said and on cue Lawrence entered.

"I know it is mid-term and you all have already made friends but please make him feel welcomed." She smiled.

Lawrence's eyes ran over the whole class searching for something or rather someone. His eyes stopped on me and he smiled slightly.

"You can sit next to Paul." Ms.Abigail said. On hearing this Lawrence looked a bit sad. I don't know why he is sad.

"Ok everyone! Today we are going to continue what we did in the last class." Ms.Abigail teaches myths and history. It included the history of the empire and all the myths that go around.

"As I said last time today we are going to learn about fairies." My ears perked up when I heard that. Fairies are a myth???? Does that mean I have a personal mythical creature as my pet!???

"I am not your pet. Get that through that thick skull of yours." Reebell as always appeared out of nowhere. It seems he also wanted to hear what people thought about his kind.

"According to many ancient scriptures, fairies are considered as envoys of gods. They can talk to gods and then relay his intentions to us." She said.

"That is true. Though not all of us talk to god. Only the elder fairy can do that. Then she tells the god's will to the council of fairies who later distributes the tasks to other fairies who carry out the tasks." Reebell said cross-legged in the air facing the teacher and nodded his head listening very carefully.

"They are like faithful servants." Ms.Abigail continued.

"That is not true." Reebell suddenly stood up angrily. I could see the veins popping out of his head. He then turned to me.

I Reincarnated As A Cannon Fodder Villain??!!!Where stories live. Discover now