Epilogue: Happily Ever After

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December eleventh




Isabelle's personal maid put a final pin in her hair, completing the intricately braided bun. She pulled a few wisps of hair out and left them by Isabelle's face. They curled gently, giving her a more girlish look. The maid, Jacqueline, helped her up from her chair. She tightened Isabelle's corset and buttoned up the back of her beautiful white satin gown with the lace overlay before draping the beautiful lace veil over her head. The veil had been her mother's.

Jacqueline handed Isabelle her bouquet of red roses and cala lilies. Isabelle accepted them gratefully.

There was a knock at her door. She opened it and Jacques stood there, a smile on his face.

"You look breathtaking," he declared.

She blushed and offered him her arm. "Thank you."

Gabrielle ran over to her. "Belle, you're so pretty!" 

The beautiful little girl, dressed in a frilly pink winter dress with a pink silk hair ribbon and holding a basket of rose petals, stared at her in awe.

"Thank you, sweet Gabrielle. You look beautiful."

She smiled hugely and gestured to her basket.

"Are you ready? I want to throw my petals."

Isabelle and Jacques laughed as Jacqueline hurried downstairs. She was going take her seat.

"Yes, I'm ready."

They descended the stairs slowly.

"Louis is a lucky man," Jacques said sadly.

Isabelle squeezed his arm. "Thank you for doing this, Jacques."

"You're welcome. I'm so happy to see you with him. You're radiant."

She smiled, her heart hammering in her chest as they came to the back doors leading to the rose garden.

The butler opened the doors, bowing at her. Everyone stood as Isabelle came to the aisle.

The garden was beautiful in the winter. The roses withstood the cold and the snow had held off for the first time in weeks, so there would be no trouble during the ceremony.

The Francois family stood in front, tears in their eyes. Gabrielle was with them; they would be taking care of her while Isabelle and Louis honeymooned in Greece.

Other high society people stood, gazing admirably at Isabelle, but she had eyes only for the man waiting at the altar.

Louis was breathtaking in his tailored suit, his longish hair tied with a ribbon at his neck just for the occasion. He was cloak and scarf free, a fact that brought tears to Isabelle's eyes. He was beautiful, and he was hers.

Jacques kissed her hand and put it in Louis's. They gazed into each other's eyes lovingly as they completed the ceremony. Isabelle couldn't look away from him if she wanted to; he was positively radiant.

"I present to you Lord and Lady Chaput," the priest declared.

They smiled at each other, loving their new titles, and walked back down the aisle as everyone showered them with confetti and rose petals.

Louis had inherited his father's title as Lord of Gargilesse. They would actually be moving into a bigger manor near the castle after the honeymoon, a fact that Gabrielle was very excited about. Isabelle would be able to decorate everything and was really looking forward to it.

But for now she was going to enjoy her husband.

They climbed into the awaiting carriage after Isabelle changed into slightly more comfortable clothes for the journey and greeted her guests.

Louis pulled her close and kissed her. "You are so beautiful," he told her. "And I cannot wait to spend my life with you."

She put her hands on either side of his face. "I cannot wait, either."

They rode off, ready to begin their happily ever after.

Cloaks and Roses: A Retelling of Beauty and the BeastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora