A Hello and a Good-bye

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Isabelle put her cooking skills to the test that evening. She found herself wanting to both impress Louis and give him the best meal she possibly could out of kindness. It was odd- she'd never felt the need to impress her friends before.

She made foie gras and baguettes. She also got out a bottle of their nicest wine. 

Her father came in and eyed the table. He raised his eyebrows.

"What?" she asked, cheeks flushing.

"Nothing...I'm not complaining."

He smiled, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Go wash up," she commanded him, flicking a towel at him. 

He jumped out of the way and headed to the water tap in the back yard.


Louis was able to walk on his leg almost normally to come to the dinner table. He sat across from Isabelle and her father sat at the head of the table.

Isabelle and her father both avoided looking at the chair opposite him: her mother's chair.

They ate the food and Isabelle received several compliments. She was especially pleased that Louis liked it.

She peered at him from under her eyelashes all night, trying her best to determine what he looked like under the cloak and scarf. 

He was tall and his eyes were mesmerizing. Was he tan? What was his smile like? His cheekbones and jawline? 

She wished he would just let her see, but told herself he wore what he did for a reason, and she should respect that.

Louis offered Isabelle her room for the night, but she insisted on sleeping on a pallet by the fireplace in the kitchen. She would be very warm (the nights were quite cold), and she would be right next to her medical supplies if anything happened this way.

She helped Louis to bed after dinner. 

She brought him a glass of water and set it on his bedside, then made sure he was warm and comfortable.

"You really are too kind," Louis told her, his eyes soft.

She smiled. "There is no such thing. I wish your leg didn't hurt."

He waved it off. "My leg will be fine. Are you sure you will be comfortable in the kitchen?" he asked.

"I'm positive. When would you like to wake up?" she asked him.

"Around the time you finish your chores is fine. I would like to get Gabrielle and have her home by nightfall."

"Where is home?" she asked.

"A few hours from here."

She smiled, trying not to be sad. "Will it inconvenience you to come back and have your stitches removed?"

"No, not at all! I would love to come back. I'll let Gabrielle visit the Francois family while I'm here."

Her smile came naturally this time. "That's sweet of you."

It grew quiet. She wished, again, that she could see his face.

"Well, I'll let you get to sleep. Good night, Louis."

He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Her heart rate increased. "Good night, Belle."

Isabelle went into the kitchen, cheeks flushing. She fell asleep with the smile still on her face.

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