20. That Much should be Allowed

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"This drink of the commoners tastes quite good. You have my thanks."

Holding a juice containing several small pieces of fruits, the boy chuckled. He was cheeky, but the fact that he had thanked me proved he wasn't a bad kid. He was a little adorable.

I began to think that he was a fairly high-ranking aristocrat due to his bossy attitude and the ornaments I he wore. However, I pretended not to notice.

Then, while I was conversing with the boy—

"Lord Nigel!" A voice echoed.

In response, the boy raised his face. It was as if he had bounced.

Apparently, his servant had arrived.

The person who seemed to be his servant thanked me. He even asked for my name because he wanted to thank me, but I refused, saying it was alright.

"Well, thanks to you guys, I wasn't bored. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"That's right. Let's just do that."

With that said, he whispered something to his servant, and eventually handed me some pieces of paper—two tickets. I could see the name of the most popular and finest, hotel in the royal capital written on them. To stay in that hotel, reservations needed to be made a few months in advance.

"With those, you can stay in the suite."


"Just say my name, 'Nigel', and the rest should take care of itself. The food is pretty good."

After saying, "See you again." The boy left in no time. I was too confused to thank him. Who the hell was that boy?

Then, I saw that Philip had returned. He didn't have a drink in his hand—did he drink it all somewhere?

He sat down a bit farther, stared at my face, then sighed deeply before lowering his face.

"The boy has been safely picked up."

"I see."

"Um, are you alright?"


It was apparent that he wasn't. I was worried about what had taken place. After a bit of silence, Philip looked up at me. His pair of golden eyes bore into me.

"...Even if I know it's a lie, I'm both happy and upset that you said you loved me."


"—I'll do my best so that the next time you say that again, it won't be a lie."

Philip's eyes were passionate.

I could only muster, "I, I see. Is that so?" as an answer. Desperately thinking of something else to get rid of that oddly sweet air, before I realized it, I had presented the ticket to him.

"I, if you like, let's, together—!"


The moment Philip saw what was written on the ticket, he solidified like a statue. An embarrassment that couldn't be hidden was exuded by his beautiful face.

It wasn't until I noticed the kind of situation I was in that I realized I failed say the most important part. "The boy gave these tickets to me not long ago. He said that the food is delicious, so let's go there to eat."

It wouldn't be strange for him to think that I was asking him to stay with me in a hotel or something.

"Yo, you're mistaken! It seems that the food here is delicious! The boy from before gave it to me, it's not like I want to stay there. I thought it'd be great if we were to have a meal there!"

I Faked Amnesia to Break off My Engagement,But My Fiance won't let me!!Where stories live. Discover now