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         The morning after the assembly and Josie's scolding, Lizzie was silently getting ready for the day, tying her hair up and slipping Hope's necklace into her back pocket. Her twin sister however, remained under her covers. She was pretending to sleep to avoid any experiments she was instructed to do with Landon. Lizzie had done her best to comfort her, because in all honesty, the way their father had upset her sister quite frankly pissed her off. It was true that Lizzie wanted to be the hero and save Hope, but forbidding Josie from involving herself in anything Mikaelson was a minor setback to Lizzie.

Lizzie gently tossed a throw pillow in Josie's direction, causing a small grunt to emerge from underneath the mountain of blankets. While opening the curtains and blinds to let in the sunlight, Lizzie asked, "so, what's your plan today?"

"Nothing. If anyone asks, I came down with the flu."

"It's not even flu season Josette." Lizzie flatly stated, unimpressed with Josie's dumb excuse. The blonde walked over to Josie's bed, ripping off a layer of blankets to expose her sister's face.

The brunette tugged the blanket back towards her in defense. "I don't care. Say I have some witchy disease and it is very, very, contagious. Everyone needs to especially stay away."

"No one is going to be asking me about your whereabouts except for Dad, Jo. All the faculty knows you're basically on magic lockdown," Lizzie reminded her oddly now troublesome sister. "Which I do admit, does hinder me somewhat..." She admitted, as she lowered her voice to a whisper, feeling embarrassed for blatantly speaking whatever came to mind. 

Josie rolled her eyes, and firmly crossed her arms. "Even if I wanted to help, it seems the majority of witches do not want to cooperate. We would need every ounce of magic to overturn even a basic cloaking spell just because it's Hope Andrea Mikaelson; a New Orleans born witch, with the blood of all three supernatural beings. We would need black magic to have a fair shot at taking it down."

Nothing was said in response of Josie mentioning black magic, hinting to Josie that Lizzie was unfortunately considering it. Lizzie couldn't even look her sister in the eyes as that would give away her guilty conscious.

Immediately, Josie quickly shook her head in disapproval, almost wondering how right now she is the one in trouble and not Lizzie. "No, I won't let you. We are not getting near that. We did it once to siphon whatever was in Hope's dad, and we were throwing up black goo for weeks. Do you not remember the headaches we had?" Josie chuckled, in a more so worried way. "Don't forget whatever you do, I do as well, whether I am directly involved or not."

Shoving the necklace further into her back pocket, Lizzie simply nodded. "I know. I won't do it."

"Good." Josie sighed. Her body loosened as the air escaped her body and she took ahold of her sister's hand. "Why do you want to save Hope so much anyways? I thought you two despised each other."

Lizzie's brain scrambled for a correct answer that would not give away her ulterior motives. "I want to rub it in Alyssa's face. That's all."  She lied. It was more than putting her rival in place; it was to prove to her father, to her mother halfway across the world, that Lizzie was worthy. Lizzie would be capable of doing more advanced magic, and if she could locate and bring back Hope, she could imagine how much more likable and respected by her peers she would be.

"Oh," Josie half smiled. She knew that wasn't true. "Okay." She didn't press the matter any further. "I think you are late to Emma's witch meeting." Josie pressed her lips into a frown, feeling somewhat jealous of Lizzie's agenda compared to hers. Lizzie turned to face the door, as as a silver chain hung out of her jean pocket. Squinting, Josie was trying to recall where she recognized the jewelry.

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