67: Jawaad

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I would be lying if I said I didn't also feel nervous about Imani finally meeting my family. Deep down, for some inexplicable reason, I feared they might not like her, especially mum.

Mum had introduced me to many girls and none of them were like Imani—by this, I meant independent. All the ladies she had introduced to me were either underaged or extremely timid. Definitely not my type of girls.

I found Imani quite different from them because she was matured for her age. I guess it was because she had had to live by herself for the longest time. I admired that about her. Childlike girls irked me a lot. I wouldn't be able to deal with their tantrums. I wanted to be married to a responsible person and that was exactly why I chose Imani.

The ringtone of my phone jarred me to reality. I left the comfort of my bed and picked up my cellphone from the nightstand and brought it to my ear. "Hello?"

"What are you talking about? Just leave me alone! Get out of here right now, or else..." Imani squeaked.

It seemed she had mistakenly dialed my number while having a misunderstanding with someone.

"How dare you!" A masculine voice thundered.

"Imani?" I yelled. I was beginning to get really worried for her. I hoped she wasn't in any sort of trouble.

"The nerves! Instead of falling at my feet and begging me to give you more time, you're threatening me?" The man chuckled. "I'm even doing you a favor by standing here and talking to you."

Imani suddenly screamed. "Let go off me!"

I couldn't take the tension anymore. I ended the call and picked up my phone, then dashed out of the room.

I nearly bumped into Farida on my way out. Thankfully, she got out of the way in time. I would have probably knocked her over. "I'm sorry."

"Wait!" She hurried behind me and eventually caught up with me, before I could get into my car. "What's wrong? Where are you rushing to?"

"I can't explain right now. I will tell you everything later, okay?" I didn't wait for her response before getting into the car. I honked the horn nonstop and sped off immediately the gates were opened.

Driving to Imani's house, I couldn't keep calm. All I could think about, was her screams. It seemed she was in deep trouble.

My worry intensified when I called her and didn't get any response. Could it be a case of robbery?

I heaved a small sigh of relief when I pulled over in front of her house. Without wasting a second more, I alighted from the car and raced into the compound. Fortunately, the gate wasn't locked.

Imani's front door was ajar. The flower vase on the corridor had been knocked over.

"Imani?" I shouted and pushed open the door wider.

Imani was curled up in a ball-like shape, her body shaking tremendously.  One look at her and I could tell she was frightened to the core. The need to protect her built up in me.

"Imani!" I knelt beside her and lifted her face, which was smeared with make-up and tears. "What happened to you?"

"Jawaad!" She threw her arms around me and burst out crying.

For a moment, I was taken aback. I couldn't get her off me because of the state she was in, nor could I move a muscle.

Asides my family, it was the first time I had really gotten so close to a woman....and she was only putting on a small shirt that didn't even cover her abdomen. Her upper body was firmly pressed against mine..

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