35: Manal

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I didn't ring the bell, even after Jawaad's car had disappeared from my sight. I stood there, staring into space. The journey was just for a few hours, but to me, it felt like eternity. With each second that passed, the discomfort I felt intensified. Farida had not really spoken to me—not like I blamed her for it. I didn't make an effort either. And with the way things were, it seemed she was nonchalant about the whole thing.

And Jawaad, he didn't even notice me at all. To him, I didn't even exist. Not once did he speak or at least glance at me. I wasn't supposed to feel hurt, because I had already convinced myself that Farida must had bad-mouthed me to him while we were at loggerheads, but I still did. I still had little hope that he would show a sign—even if it was tiny, that he liked me in some way, but no, all he did was make me feel embarrassed for even having the thought. His silence spoke volumes. I had been foolish to think I could make him fall head over heels in love with me. It would be hard—I knew, but I was going to forget him by all means. My mind was already made up. I didn't deserve to be sad over someone who didn't give a damn about me. I still had my self respect.

He isn't worth it.

He doesn't deserve me.

I deserve better.

I turned around and pressed the rounded protuberance, making the bell ring.

It took about three minutes before the gatekeeper finally opened up; a grin plastered on his face. "Manal! Welcome."

"Thank you." I responded and picked up my suitcase.

"No, leave it, I will help you with it."

"Don't worry, I can carry this. You can't possibly pick three bags at the same time." I pointed out.

"Of course I can." He probed.

"Don't worry, just help me with these two."


"Are my parents around?"

"Yeah. Alhaji just got back few minutes ago."

"Really?" For the first time since I arrived, I smiled. I had found a reason to. The sadness from earlier had begun to abrade. The excitement of seeing my parents after so long was abounding. I couldn't wait to see the look on Ummi and Abii's face when I would walk into the house.


"Is Imran around as well?"

"He should be. He will be so happy to see you."

I smiled and shook my head. "He will be so happy because the person he likes to irritate is back."

He laughed.

I pushed open the front door and walked in. My gaze darted to the corners of the parlor. I had been gone for few months—four months to be precise, but nothing had changed. I chuckled. I didn't even know why I expected any thing to change.

"Thanks a lot, you can leave the bags here."

He nodded, did as told and then walked out.

"Ummiiiiiiiiiii!" Without wasting a second more, I screamed at the top of my voice. "Ummmiiiiiii! Abiiiiiii!! Ummmmmmiiiiiii!" I screamed some more.

"Manal?" Ummi rushed into the living room; her forehead was wrinkled. Her demeanor depicted she had just seen something out of the ordinary. "Manal?" She repeated; her lips now curled up in a smile.

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