Let's Get Something Straight

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Dear Readers,
I would like to address something, just nip it in the bud, before it gets out of hand. A comment was left on my story about this being in violation of copyright and that I took the idea from Kirsty Moseley's The Boy Who Sneaks In My Window, which has been published. Before I go any further, I would like to say The Boy At My Window came 100% from my own imagination. I thought up the story one night while I was taking a shower. Yes, this story was thought up in a 15 year old girl's shower.

So I have looked up Kirsty Moseley's book, and my book is totally and completely different from her's. The only thing we have in common is a boy sneaking in a girl's window. Which is not violation of copyright laws because the idea of a boy sneaking in a girl's window has been used so many times, it is common ground, which means the idea of it is not copyrighted. Her story line is copyrighted, but the idea of a boy sneaking in a girl's bedroom, is not. My story line and her's are different so I am not breeching copyright.

I just wanted to let my loyal followers and readers know, I am in no way violating a copyright. I didn't want someone to see the comment and be turned away from my book so I figured I should nip it in the bud before more people start questioning it. The comment has been removed so it doesn't cause anymore trouble. Thank you guys for sticking by me!


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