Chapter Eight: Scared of Surgery

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"Alright Shaina here's what has to happen," Doctor Mike began, "you're going to have to have surgery for that hernia. But, since we gave you the pain medication and the anti-nausea medicine, you can't have the surgery today. It will be scheduled for tomorrow morning. You cannot eat anything but we'll get you nutrients and fluids through an IV. Do you have any questions?"

I shook my head.

"Alright then we will get you a room and you'll spend the night with us and then you'll have surgery tomorrow. I'll talk to your dad to schedule that. So if you'll come with me Mr. Collins and we'll get that set up, Andi will take Shaina and her boyfriend here to the room."

Matthew was about to correct him that he wasn't my boyfriend but he had already walked out the door with my dad.

"Shaina, I'm going to just go ahead and wheel you over in the bed and then we'll just transfer you once we get there." Andi told me. She looked to Matthew, "Matthew right?"

Matthew nodded, "Yes ma'am."

"You're welcome to just sit on the bed with her or you can walk beside the bed."

Matthew looked down at me. "Shaina?"

"Sit with me. Please?" I asked quietly.

Matthew sat down at my feet. The nurse raised the bed rails, attached my IVs to the pole on the bed and we were off.

She pushed the bed into the room. Andi pulled the covers down and helped Matthew scoop me up by grabbing the IV bags and Matthew placed me on the bed. "You're good to go Shaina. Your nurse should be in shortly."

She left closing the door behind her.

Matthew helped me get situated in bed all curled up. He sat down on the edge of the bed, "How's the pain?" he asked me as he brushed hair away from my face.

"A lot better. I can talk now without whimpering every thirty seconds. Which now I can finally say thank you. So thank you for saving me from those guys. You didn't have to do that or stay with me through all this. I mean we aren't really that close but today you treated me like I was your best friend and I can't thank you enough."

"Shaina, I want to be friends. You're a great girl and I would love to have you as a best friend."

I realized I had pretty much just been friend zoned but it was okay because I wasn't really thinking of dating Matthew.

I smiled, "I would like that too."

The door suddenly opened and my dad walked in. "Hi honey."

"Hey, Daddy." I said softly.

"You're surgery is scheduled for nine tomorrow morning. I'm going to run home and get you some comfortable clothes and your toothbrush and everything. Your mom should be up to see you soon. You going to be okay here?"

"Yeah. I've got Matthew and Chad should be coming by to see me pretty soon. I'll be fine."

He came over and kissed my forehead. "Alright well you call me if you need anything. And you," he said turning to Matthew, "keep an eye on my daughter."

"Yes sir I will."

My dad left and my phone starting ringing. Matthew handed it to me.



"Hey Chaddy? What's up?"

"I'm at the hospital to see you. What room are you in?"

"Hang on let me ask Matthew. I honestly have no clue." I turned to Matthew, "What room am I in?"


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