Chapter 13: Kaijin the Blacksmith

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Alright, here it is. No need to dm me about the next chapter. I accidentally deleted the story cover so there won't be any pictures above lmao. Forgive me.

And also, I'm sorry for saying that I'll drop this story in my other fanfic. Go read it btw. It's a One Piece x Cote crossover. I planned to make it a masterpiece.

Yep, I planned it to. But things won't go my ways anyway. Lmao

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Kiyomoru POV:

After the incident with those adventurers, we got escorted by 2 guards towards the guard office. They questioned us about the commotion outside, the wolf incident, and the casualties that we made- which is creating a crater in the ground.

I made Gobta explained his script. A reserve writing skills made by me. Great sage did it, of course, not me. I only told him about what to say next, and what kind of facial expression to use.

Nevertheless, even if there's no human casualties and bloods accumulated, just the fact that we made a commotion is enough reason for them to lock us up on a cell.

Luckily, Gobta and me are in the same cell. The rails aren't really that thick, so I can just go pass this one. But the moment I do so, I'm sure the guards will notice it, and I'll be an enemy of this whole kingdom. That'll be problematic.

I already have a plan in mind. But it needs to wait. I can just sit back and relax as I wait for the right moment. But if ever anything unexpected happens, I'm sure it will end up being favorable to us.

Nevertheless, this are all but a quick plan. So, if we're one step late, this whole thing whill crumble apart.

As I got deep in my thoughts, a commotion can be heard outside of the cell. A soldier suddenly burst open the door with a slam.

"S-Sir! An armosaurus just showed up in the mines! It already injured several miners in their post." The soldier said in a panic.

"What?! Did you defeat it?!" He replied.

"We're good there! A suppression force is on its way. But some of the miners are fairly roughed up. I don't know if there's a war under way or something, but the city shops are out of medicine, and the castle won't let us access their stockpile..."

"What about our healers?"

"That's the thing, sir... The injured were deep inside, mining magic ore. The healers at the guardhouse are all out handling other calls, so all we have left is a single novice!"

"Ah, damn it all!"

They quickly exchanged information regarding the matter. They cannot do anything, and they're frustrated about it. This is a favorable situation to me. I have a few potions with me, after all.

I silently took out a few potions from my stomach, then signalled Gobta to take it from me. He grabbed the potions and hid it on his pockets. I nodded as a cue them he called the guards.

"Uhm... Sir?"

"What? I'm busy here! You're not off the hook yet, so stay here until the commotion is down, understand?"


Gobta slid a potion on his pocket then showed it to the guards.

"What's that? Why are you with a potion like that?" He asked.

"Actually, this potion are made by my master here. He wants me to give it to you. You may call it as a compensation for creating a ruckus."

I only nodded as he looked at me with suspicions. Of course, no one can't really blame him. After all, how could a mere slime create a potion himself without any hands nor knowledge about it?

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