Chapter 17: Leaving The Dwarven Kingdom

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There's no premonition about Shizu on the novel, so I won't add it lmao.

Kiyomoru POV

The hearing has finally ended on our side winning— No, should I call that a win? It feels more like a saving grace from the king Gazel Dwargo. The party that Kaijin throwed pretty much ended up in this situation.

But, there's no point in crying over spilt milk, is there? In the end, the brothers ended up being exiled in the kingdom, which favors the goal of us being here.

Kaijin, the three brothers, and I will finally leave the kingdom today. They just need to pack their things and we're set to go.

As Kaijin returned to the shop, there on a small sofa, a green human— Gobta is lying dead while dozing off. He snapped back as the direwolf that serves as his sofa, signaled him to wake up.

"Oh! Welcome back, Kiyomoru-sama! Did you have fun? Geez, I sure hope you take me with you next time!"

If his definition of having fun is torturing a dwarf and creating a ruckus, then I'll gladly bring him with me. The innocent Gobta is now dangerous in the eyes of the Vesta, the king and the kingdom. It'll be problematic if they ever hunt him down, but I already made a plan if that ever happens.

But, really though. He actually summoned his partner direwolf that easily? I actually though it would take him at least a week or more to achieve it. He actually has the guts to do so, surprisingly.

None of the other hobgoblins can do so, and yet, he only thought 'Hey can you come over please?' and that's it? I'm sure Rigur will be jealous and frustrated by this.

And here I thought that the dwarves are already packing their stuff for preparations. They just stood frozen in their place, sweats falling on their cheeks as the gap on their mouths grow wide.

"What's wrong?" I got curious about this sudden change in attitude.

"W-Wait a second!" the panicked Kaijin replied. "What on earth is a black direwolf doing in here?!"

"Yeah! You need to run! That’s a B-ranked monster!"

And now they were panicking. They looked so ridiculous, I was actually amused.

"Oh. It's fine. You can call him his 'partner' or some sort. There's nothing to worry about."

My attempts at calming everyone’s nerves met stony silence.
Black direwolves, by the way, were a somewhat advanced version of regular direwolves. If they evolved in a more magic-oriented fashion, their fur would turn black. The coats of the tempest direwolves were black as well but with a uniquely colored sheen.

Direwolves weren’t really supposed to evolve toward the “storm” element in the first place—that was just a side effect of the name I gave out.

In volcanic regions, direwolves would evolve with a fire element and become red direwolves. Near bodies of water, you would find blue direwolves. In the forests would be green direwolves. In other words, adopting elements was a fairly common evolutionary pattern for these guys.

The magic-infused black ones, meanwhile, were apparently a notorious threat to any nearby humans and humanoids. The tempest element gave our wolf pack an ever-so-slight purplish shine to their black color, something you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t paying attention.

We didn’t have the time for me to explain the whole story. I’ll just call him Gobta’s partner for now and move on.

After hurriedly pressing the dwarves to put on their best traveler’s outfits, I pushed them out of the shop, went back in by myself, and proceeded to swallow up the entire contents of the building. Capacity-wise, I was still A-okay, but swallowing the building whole would probably have drawn a little too much attention, so I kept it at that.

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