Part 4

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You had been framed. Someone had convinced the world that you were responsible for blowing up the UN meeting in Vienna even though you had never even left Bucharest. Unfortunately, no one could have vouched for you because you were already laying low and didn't want anyone to be able to recognize you.

A list of possible escape routes began to flash through your mind. You couldn't go back to your apartment to grab anything. It was too risky. But you couldn't exactly just hop on a plane either. Now they were actually looking for you so no matter what name you used, someone was bound to start asking questions. Your best bet was to flee by train. But even that was going to be risky. You decided you were just gonna have to keep your head down until you made it to the next stop, wherever it might be, then go back into hiding.

You bought your ticket and boarded the train, being careful to avoid law enforcement. Besides that, you laid low, avoiding eye contact with staff and just trying not to draw any attention to yourself. You sat by the window and watched as the scenery flew by. You began to think of Steve and Bucky and what they must think of you. Did they think you were the one responsible? You had told them you would contact them if you were ever in trouble, but would they even want to help?

You scolded yourself. You knew they would. They cared about you. But that's why you had to stay away. You didn't want to be the reason they got hurt, or worse. You also knew they didn't want that for you either. Going completely against your better judgement, you decided you would try to get a message to them.

The best idea you could manage at the time was to find a burner phone at the next train stop, make the call, then toss the phone and jump back on the train. You managed to find a stand selling phones at the market. You got the cheapest one they had and made your way to a brightly lit ally, somewhere quieter, but still visible in case you needed to make a quick escape. You dialed the number Steve had given you to the Avenger's compound. You waited nervously as the phone rang once, twice, three times, until someone had picked up the phone on the other end.

"Yello," a voice answered.

"Hi, uh, who is this?" you asked, not recognizing the voice.

"This would be Tony. And you are?"

"Would Steve or Bucky happen to be there?" you asked, ignoring his question and hoping he wouldn't notice.

"They are not here at the moment. May I ask who is speaking?"

"Could you get a message to them? Tell them an old friend needs some help."

"Ah, Miss Barnes! Why didn't you say? Yes, absolutely I can pass on your message. Anywhere in particular you would like them to meet you?"

You thought a moment. "Vienna," you replied.

"Vienna? Isn't that-"

"Where I supposedly blew up the UN? Yes, but it wasn't me. I'm gonna do a little investigating of my own."

"I don't know if that's the wisest move, you being on the run and all."

"I know. But they're just gonna keep chasing me unless someone can find who really did it."

Tony paused. "Alright. Do what you need to. I'll send word to your boys."

"Thanks," you muttered and ended the phone call.

You quickly made your way back onto the train, now nervous about what was going to happen in Vienna. It was a dumb idea going directly to the crime scene especially when you were the only suspect. But you had to find out for yourself who it was that had gone through so much trouble to frame you.

That wasn't the only thing you were nervous about. You were going to see Steve and Bucky again after two years of hiding. What would they think of you? Did they think you were really behind all of this? Would they take your message and set you up? You shook those thoughts from your mind. No. Of course they wouldn't. They knew everything that had happened to you at Hydra and yet they still cared for you. They wouldn't turn on you now. You hoped.

The trip to Vienna was fairly uneventful. You even managed to take a nap on the train. But you were going into the heart of where you shouldn't be. As soon as you stepped off the train, all of your senses were on high alert. You quickly and quietly made your way to where the other you had been caught on camera. You figured that would be the safest place to start because you knew that they had been there. You checked every where you could for any sign of a wig, a mask, maybe a get away car or easy escape route. You looked down the road a bit to see how far it might have been for them to get from here to the bomb sight. That was still blocked off by police so your investigation was going to have to remain out here for the time being.

Something behind you moved. You could feel the presence of another person. You slowly turned around to see someone dressed in what appeared to be a black panther suit. After studying them for a couple seconds, you figured you should be the one to break the silence.

"I take it you're not here to talk," you called to them.

They simply remained where they were, their stance moving slightly to look more threatening.

You didn't want to fight them, so you we're going to say what you could while you could.

"Look, if this is about what happened the other day, that wasn't me." The dark figure began creeping closer to you. "Trust me, that's one of the few times I can actually say that." Still the crept closer. "I want to find them as much as you probably do, but it's gonna take me a lot longer to do that with someone chasing me. Any chance you'd wanna work with me on this?"

Claws appeared at their finger tips.

"I'll take that as a no," you sighed

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