Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Fang Yuan and System

Reverend Insanity. It was a story about a demon who was rebirthed back 500 years to the past of the Gu World. The protagonist of the Novel is named Gu Yue Fang Yuan. Originally, he was a person from Earth but he was unexpectedly Reincarnated into the Gu World. He was deemed as a genius at a young age. Known from his poems by the Villagers of the Gu Yue Clan. But at the day of awakening ceremony, his fate has changed. He has a third class talent and his younger was a first class talent. From then on, his life has took a downturn. From the top, he fall down to the bottom. Once praised as a genius by the Gu Yue Clan, he met scorn and mocking of the Villagers. Including his Aunt, Uncle, Servants and even his younger brother. He experience a lot of hardships and traverse the path of a demonic path. 500 years later, people gang up to defeat him and take the rank 6 legendary Gu from him who has risen to become an infamous demonic Gu Master. Fang Yuan decided to fight until the end. Unexpectedly, he was reborn back at 500 years into the past at before the day of awakening ceremony.

On the other hand, Fang Zheng was the MC's younger brother. The one who has the 1st class talent at the awakening ceremony. A foolish young man who let the jealousy and inferiority complex towards his brother get over him. Fang Zheng was a character who was used by many people. He was very annoying to the core. He have just matured when he experience many hardships on his life. Still, he was really stupid until the end. Tobias thought that he deserve the things that happened to him in the reset timeline.

And now, he was occupying the body of Fang Zheng. Tobias raise his head a little bit. It was stupid of him to trip on a rock. But he thought that he can't really fault himself to lose balance since his body and Fang Zheng's body are different. Even it was of a little difference.

But right now, there was more important things other than the pain of tripping or the arrival of almighty cliche cheat system. He knows that the one who was looking at him right now was the Fang Yuan who doesn't have the memories of 500 years of the future. Yet, Tobias can't help but feel fear and trepidation inside his mind. He was his favorite character. But Tobias would never wanted to meet Fang Yuan in real life.

Deep and calm black eyes was staring at him. Fang Yuan approached him and outstretched his hand.

" Shouldn't you already at your room and sleeping? "

Fang Yuan said in a cold voice. Tobias thought that he sounds really apathetic and unapproachable with the tone of his voice. After a few moments, Tobias decided to be brave. He accepted the outstretched hand. He doesn't need to be scared. This Fang Yuan, hasn't still rebirthed. In this current point of Story, Fang Yuan doesn't still remember. And Fang Zheng doesn't seem done any offensive thing to his brother right now.

Tobias patted his clothes slightly after Fang Yuan helped him get up from the ground. He has his head lowered looking meek and timid. At this point of time, Fang Zheng still feels inferior to his brother. He doesn't have his A class talent that he would feel superior towards his older brother. Tobias decided to act like Fang Zheng. Imitate his behavior so that he wouldn't be viewed with suspicion.

With hesitation and uncertainty, Tobias replied.

" .. I... I.. just woke up.. and I can't sleep. "

It feels strange listening to the voice and accent. And the strange language that flowed smoothly out of his mouth.

He stole a glimpse on Fang Yuan. Then he quickly retracted it since Fang Yuan was still looking at him. Tobias thought that he wouldn't be able to look at Fang Yuan for a long time without feeling afraid for his life.

" You should return to sleep now. It isn't beneficial if you lack a rest. "

Once again, Tobias heard Fang Yuan. He nodded his head. Fang Yuan started walking. Tobias didn't follow. Fang Yuan walking in that direction means that he would probably go back to his room from what he browse through Fang Zheng's memories.

A few moments later as Tobias watched Fang Yuan's silhouette in the distance, his heart beat started calming down. He then decided to return to Fang Zheng's room. Tobias doesn't want to encounter more people.

A few minutes later, he successfully returned to Fang Zheng's room without meeting anyone. A short time has passed, but he already feels mentally exhausted. He already felt that the morning would not be better later.

Tobias lay down on Fang Zheng's simple bed. It wasn't comfortable. But he has no choice but bear with it. And many other situations that would probably happen later.

It is unacceptable. But this would be his life now. Living as Fang Zheng. The MC's foolish and insecure younger brother. Tobias sighed. He close his eyes for a moment before whispering softly.

" .. System? "

A few moments passed before something appeared on his mind.

{ Establishing connection to Host Tobias Miller.... }

{ 2%.. }

{ 2.3 %.. }

{ 2.5 %... }

Tobias couldn't help but feel a little disappointed as he heard those. It would take a while for the system. It seems that it was still loading and gathering some data. But despite the slow efficiency, Tobias was filled with hope. Maybe the system would be useful in him surviving in this world. He was really thankful that someone has decided to take pity with his current situation.

Tobias can feel the body relaxing. His mind can't keep up with thinking complicated thoughts anymore. Slowly, he drifted to sleep and lose his consciousness.

Tobias doesn't dream anything. His mind was to tired to conjure something. Morning then soon arrived.

{ 100%... Loading Completed. }

{ Host Tobias Miller given a 2nd chance and accepted as a Host }

Tobias woke up from his sleep when he heard a rather loud notification of the system inside his mind.

{ Host Tobias Miller has received a punishment Divine Retribution. Yet, ———— decided to give the host a 2nd Chance. }

Tobias frowned when he heard the information. He feel angry yet hopeful. Angry because he knows that someone has Transmigrated him in this world and Hopeful that he was given this 2nd Chance.

{For the 2nd chance, the merciful ———— ask what is his host wish? }

Tobias paused for a moment to the unexpected question. With a resolute expression on his face, he replied to the system inside his mind.

" I want to go home. "

His voice was sounds so fragile and filled with longing. Exciting as it sounds, Transmigration isn't what he wanted. Much more being in this world.

{ ——— heard the wish of the host }

{ System would assist the host to achieve his wish }

Looks like that it wouldn't be fulfilled instantly. Tobias thought with disappointment.

{ System changing to Go Home System }

{ Go Home System is established }

{ Go Home System Ultimate Goal: Help the host Tobias Miller go back home }

The system doesn't sound Grand or powerful and cool. But for Tobias it was better than nothing. He was filled with hope. Since there is this system, There was a possibility for Tobias to go home.

Transmigrated as Fang Zheng (Reverend Insanity Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now