🔗🥳Action/Adventure Winners🔗🥳

89 8 9

Thanks to our two amazing judges hottearsoncoldnights judging this genre. Winners pm the form 'winner's form' to me at the bottom of the results for your stickers, if you're unable to download it. If you didn't win this time, there's always next time. The original judge didn't judge the books and the other judge, wishes to remain anonymous.

🥇First Place Winners 🥇 (It's a tie)

Perfect RCorsini

Perfect RCorsini

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Human Bait spelunkadunk

🥈Second Place Winners 🥈 (It's a tie)

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🥈Second Place Winners 🥈 (It's a tie)

A Dying Universe EliPH99

The Fate's Chosen authorcat14

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The Fate's Chosen authorcat14

The Fate's Chosen authorcat14

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