7 - Gina Marie

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Gina Marie had been in pain a few times in her life now. This was not the worst pain She'd ever felt - that had been when her kidneys acted up when she was fourteen.

But this was without question, the second greatest amount of pain She'd ever experienced. Tears bit at the edges of her vision as she stared intently at the fire that was growing warmer in the grate before them.

The room smelled of dampness and dust and Gina Marie cringed at the very thought of sleeping in that bed, but it didn't occupy her thoughts for long before she was drawn back again to the pain that seemed to glow from her knee, shoulder and face.

There were tiny pricks of pain where the shards of glass had left kisses in her flesh, and those would hurt when she finally got to take a bath somewhere... but they were nothing to the agony that shot through her leg and into her back every few moments.

The story She'd shared with Bane came from truth... She'd lied to her father about a broken ankle when she was little. Now she suspected she was also lying to her husband about a broken leg.

"You should get some sleep, George." Bane was urging, though not quite as blustering as his usual self.

She watched as he ran a hand over his face in a subconscious effort to stay awake, She'd seen it before in Ben.

"I doubt I can sleep tonight," Gina Marie answered lightly, still unwilling to admit to the pain.

Because truthfully what she wanted was a hot bath and good cry and for someone to hold her for Saint's sake. Glancing sidelong at Bane again, she knew for certain that was the very last thing she would be doing tonight in this hovel of an inn room.

She was saved from having to reply for at that moment the innkeeper's wife, who had been grabbing at her chest when they arrived, knocked at the door before entering, bringing with her a tray that promised food and drink.

"Brought you our best dishes," the woman commented, smiling congenially at Bane.

"Give her the wine," he ordered without even acknowledging the woman's attempt at pleasantness.

Gina Marie felt a prick of pity for her as she took in the figure of Bane's wide back, heavy and made bulkier by the fur pelt coat that still hung around his shoulders.

"THank you so much," Gina Marie offered, careful not to move the lower half of her body from the beaten armchair as she reached for the offered goblet.

It was warm in her hands and smelled of an indiscernible spice. There had been wine at Christmas sometimes, but Gina Marie had never been allowed. Taking a tentative sip, she winced.

The drink had a sharpness that seemed to take the moisture out of her mouth almost instantly, and it left a tiny kind of burning in the back of her throat.

"Drink all of it," Bane commanded, taking his goblet in hand now as well, "it is all you'll have for the pain tonight," he added as the innkeeper's wife backed out of the room on tiptoe so as not disturb the growling beast again.

"it is horrid," Gina Marie coughed, again trying to sip at it but not liking it one bit.

"It'll help you sleep," Bane said, this time in a gentler voice, and Gina Marie looked up to find him watching her. But when their eyes met he immediately looked away, clearing his throat as he stood and moved towards the bed.

"I assure you, I won't be sleeping," Gina Marie answered in a squeak, realizing now that they were well and truly alone. He didn't argue with her, and she Couldn't risk turning to see what he had found to occupy himself on the other side of the room without causing more pain to shoot through her body.

So instead she watched the flames and sipped the awful wine and hugged her threadbare coat to herself, nestled in the dingy wing-backed chair.

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