Use me (Armin Aot)

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Dom Armin x sub reader

Owner: lilevixen

Words: 5,518

Warning include: choking, degradation, cream pie, rough sex, fingering, breeding(ish), also there is MAJOR! Aot season 4 and manga spoilers ahead

Summary: Armin, in the midst of a breakdown upon receiving Eren’s letter, decides to take out his frustration on the reader’s willing body

Story starts now ⬇⬇⬇

You could tell Armin was upset from the way the veins in his forearm protruded beneath his pale skin. He was sat at the edge of his bed, clasping and unclasping his hands anxiously as you entered his room for your typical midnight talk. Usually when you came to visit his eyes would come alight, eagerly meeting yours before you could even fully step foot into his room. Now they were dim and pensive, seemingly more interested in counting the wooden floorboard panels than acknowledging your presence. You couldn’t have expected any other reaction. Your own heart was sinking into your gut at the thought of Eren’s letter that the survey corps received earlier that evening.

You couldn’t say you were completely shocked by the contents of the letter, though it was devastating nonetheless. Leading up to Eren’s disappearance, his desperation to protect Paradis became increasingly evident. While the rest of the scouts were clinging to the hope that Paradis could be preserved through diplomatic measures, Eren seemed to silently condemn that optimism and seek more drastic ways to secure safety for the island. It must have been difficult enough for Armin to see their ideals diverge further and further as the days passed but this proclamation of war was the nail in the coffin. You couldn’t imagine how he was feeling, as Eren’s childhood friend and as unofficial co-commander of the survey corps.

“Hey.” Was the only feeble greeting you could muster as you gently shut the door behind you. He glanced up at you then settled his gaze back to the floor.

“I can’t believe it’s come to this…” he began, his voice much lower than you were accustomed to. In the candlelight you could see the glint of tears forming in his eyes, but weirdly not sad ones. They sat there, fat, hot and angry, refusing to spill down his cheeks. “Eren’s really about to go through with Zeke’s plan. There’s no turning back from this. The reputation of the Eldians here in Paradis, countless innocent lives, women, children, civilians alike, all out the window for the sake of ‘freedom’. What freedom comes at the cost of being shackled to this endless cycle of sin?”

You took a seat next to him at the edge of the bed, your movements mild and cautious as if it were an untamed tiger sitting next to you and not sweet, soft Armin. Even though he didn’t seem much like the same Armin at all in that moment. He looked like if you tried to comfort him, his skin would burst into flames and sear every inch of your flesh. You felt an unfamiliar pang shoot through your chest. Instead of physical comfort you decided to proceed with your words, carefully.

“I know.. Eren has always been reckless but this…” a lump in your throat cut your sentence short as an image of your own sister’s skull being crushed by fallen debris during the first titan invasion flickered behind your eyes. You swallowed it down and continued. “The best we can do now is try to understand him, since we’re going to be under fire anyway. In his own selfish way, he’s doing it for us.”

“Why is it always us trying to understand? I’m tired of this, I’m tired of being the mediator forced to see from his perspective! This isn’t some petty fight he’s getting himself into, he’s committed to genocide!” His whole torso snapped towards you as sudden and sharp as a crack of a whip, his gaze burning into yours, balled fists trembling with emotion in his lap. You blinked at the harshness of his reaction. This definitely wasn’t the Armin you were used to who was kind and composed. The Armin who would sneak biscuits from the pantry for you whenever you came to visit him. No, he was pissed. And he had every right to be. You felt heat stir in your cheeks, feeling stupidly helpless and just plain stupid for even attempting to speak on his exasperation. He continued.

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