-Early December-

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(Locke's Point of View)

The beginning of December had brought more snow and even lower temperatures. I was thankful that the cold didn't have much of an affect on me, and that I still gave off body heat for Noelle. She was always cold. I smiled to myself. I was supposed to pick her up from work today. I planned to make her a wonderful dinner and then spend the night in. I only hoped she wouldn't get bored of the same routine.

I watched the clock tick away. Only another hour until I could have my baby in my arms. "Soon." I muttered to myself. I found it hard not to be bored without Noelle. At this point, my life revolved around her. She was my day and my night.

I picked fuzz away from my blanket. Time wouldn't pass fast enough. I mulled over what I could do to occupy my mind while I waited. I didn't want to do anything in the house. It was cold, but a walk would help keep me distracted. Heat escaped from beneath the blanket as I got up. The colder air felt refreshing. A walk wasn't that bad of an idea.

I put on my jacket and my combat boots, opening the door. The draft brought a flurry of snow through the opening. Snow crunched underfoot as I kicked my way through the drifts. My breath billowed out in clouds that hung in the air for mere seconds. The world was still, white, calm and beautiful. I had to admit that winter was my favourite time of year. I loved the icy stillness that the snow brought on.

The cold made my hometown seem like a whole other place. When I snapped back to reality, I found that my feet had brought me to the edge of the lake. I breathed in the sharp scent of ice and sighed. The world felt so peaceful. I brushed snow off of a fallen log and sat down. Cold seeped through my jeans, making me shiver. A little ways away, a squirrel scampered out from beneath a bare hedge, searching for food. It chittered cautiously, sniffing the air for danger. It seemed to decide it was safe and continued to forage.

I sat there, watching the small creature as it went along its way. The lake was silent, the gentle lapping noise disappeared as ice from earlier in the season had taken over. My pocket vibrated and I pulled out my phone. Noelle had texted me that she was almost done work. I got up, stretching the chill from my limbs. My sudden movements had sent the squirrel chittering anxiously up into a tree.

(Noelle's Point of View)

I sent the text to Locke and continued my shift-end cleanup. The café sat empty with the exception of myself now, so I could work in peace. I wiped the counters. The jingle of the door chime rang in my ears and I groaned inwardly. Putting on a forced smile, I turned around.

"Hello, Noelle." It was Aren. I blinked, a little shocked that he was in the café. I didn't expect to see him again so soon.

"Oh. Hello Aren. Anything I can get you?" I eyed him cautiously. I was nervous to be alone with him. Something about his gaze on me made the hair on the back of my neck raise.

"No, no. I just came along to see how you were doing," He smiled; or rather, smirked. "How is Locke? He causing any trouble for you?"

I frowned at the question and shook my head. Just when I opened my mouth to answer, Locke walked in the door.

"Aren." Locke's voice was tight. Tension crackled in the air.

"Erm..." I started. Locke's gaze was on me. The way his brows scrunched gave away his concern.

"Seems you were just starting to get the store ready for closing, so I'll take my leave." Aren smiled at me, and then he was gone. Locke's expression was taught. It was clear that he was upset.

"What the fuck did he say to you?" His voice was a faint growl. I swallowed.

"N-nothing! He just... just said hello..." In seconds, Locke was looming above me. His eyes flashed angrily.

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