-Late December-

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(Locke's Point of View)

Since the start of December, the days had gotten shorter, the nights longer, and the weather colder. Snow blanketed everything in thick, white sheets. Noelle pressed closer to me as a storm raged outside. The blizzard had put the town on standby for two days now.

"Sure is getting heavy out there..." I mumbled as a gale whipped against the walls outside.

Noelle gazed up at me.

"I kinda like being snowed in with you." She smiled. I grinned and let out a deep chuckle.

"Oh, so do I, Noelle." I hugged her closer, once again thankful that my body was practically a portable heater. I glanced at my phone. It was late afternoon. Although the snow piling up outside made it hard to tell. I watched as the white flakes whipped against the windows. Noelle leaned over and picked up her cup of tea, taking a small sip. The mug made a soft clink against the glass coffee table when she set it back down.

"Locke do you remember where I put my e-Reader?"

"Hm? Oh, I think it's in your bag." I nodded at the black canvas satchel that sat slumped in the corner by the door. Noelle lifted herself off of the couch, kissing my cheek and walked to retrieve the lonely looking bag. I smiled. She brought that tattered old canvas bag everywhere she went. Noelle plopped down on the couch beside me again and rifled through her bag. She paused, then pulled out her sketchbook and pencil case. I raised an eyebrow. Noelle looked back at me.

"I changed my mind, okay?"

I chuckled and kissed her temple. I watched as she opened the coiled book to a fresh page. She began by sketching light circles and lines for reference. As she drew, a face began to form. Noelle's pencil strokes were light as she sketched out the eyes, then the nose, and the mouth. I watched her quietly.

Once she finished, she signed the completed piece. Noelle looked up at me expectantly. "I love it Noelle. You're very talented." I smiled. Noelle blushed.

"Thank you Locke."

I nodded and pulled her closer.

"Hey Locke?" Noelle's green gaze sparkled her eyes reflected in mine.

"Yes Sweetling?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I love you." She smiled. My heart fluttered in my chest.

"And I love you." I was more than content to just sit with Noelle.

"Locke...?" Noelle murmured. Something about her tone was off.

"Yes Noelle? Are you okay?" I furrowed my brow. She nodded.

"Yes, it's just that..." She trailed off, looking away.

"Just 'that' what? You know you can ask me anything."

"I still wonder why you left, is all."

"Oh." My heart sank. "Well... Noelle... I-I just can't tell you. I know it bruises your trust in me, but I don't think you're ready to know... Not yet. Promise me you won't be angry with me? Please, Noelle."

Her gaze went blank as she thought it over.

"Only if you'll promise me that you'll never leave again." Her gaze was intense; almost pleading, begging, praying, for me to say yes. I nodded slowly.

"I promise you, Noelle. I won't ever leave again." My answer satisfied Noelle.

"Okay. I'm going to make some more tea, would you like some Locke?" Her voice was light again. I smiled.

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