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Author's Note

In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here:

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here:


"Alright." Thomas clapped his hands, a wide smile stretched across his face. I watched him with a glare, realising that I was not a fan of how calm and excited he was for the next challenge. As though he knew what to expect.

I stared at everyone. Thomas stood next to a shivering Bianca - her small dress insulting the harsh, brittle weather. Versa stood to the other side, her small frame hugging Ryan's much bigger one. He had his arm around her shoulders and had her firmly tugged in his side.

My eyes glazed over the empty barren land that lay beyond us all. I wasn't so certain what I was trying to see, but I was feeling jittery and my nerves were on edge. Any unruly sound had me jumping from my skin.

And we hadn't begun the real challenge yet.

"I want to say good luck, but then I'll be lying. Hope you all fail." Thomas said before he stepped forward.

"That arrogance would not get you your to win."

Thomas looked at me with a smirk. "We'll see." he shrugged.

The challenge was simple, yet so complicated. We had to go inside the creepy-looking house that stood in the middle of no-where, inhabited by someone who took shots before asking questions. Enter. Take something. Get out. Snap a picture. And send.

It was only us at this side of the land. I was certain others had gathered, but they were all dispersed, banking on having the spot closest to the house. But we all had to get through the cornfields before we could actually see the house.

The cold night was the type to reach my bones, caressing me with its icy allure as a front for its deadly might. It was a type of cold that naturally made you seek the comfort of a person's heat. I moved on my feet, giving myself the last few minutes to draw up all my confidence and my courage.

Courage that was most likely driven by actual fear, but courage regardless.

"Have fun." Thomas said, a slight taunt laced his tone.

Versa stepped out of Ryan's hold and came to stand next to me. I reached for her hand, and she laced her fingers through mine, giving them a squeeze. "Just as we planned?" she affirmed.

I nodded at her and started walking toward the cornfields, emitting a slightly sweet pungent smell. I could hear Ryan following us behind.

I wasn't sure if we could work together, but Versa and I decided to stick together as much as possible. And if we both won, we would easily split the cash prize between the two. How Ryan fell into our promised pact, I wasn't so sure. But in this moment, having him guarding our backs was a welcoming act.

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