Journey to the pale city

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Hey hey! check it out, an early update! Didn't have anything better to do anyway! What can I say, except, you're welcome! sorry.

Note; 2k+ words, you're in for a long read folks!
Art by kuya kristen

Enjoy! *Curtain slides open*


Mono opened his eyes to see absolute nothingness. It was all black as pitch, He found himself standing in the middle of nowhere, a place where there wasn't even a slight howl of the wind. He felt nothing, he heard nothing, not even the sound of his own breathing. where am I? 

Mono wandered around but his feet wouldn't take him anywhere. It felt more like floating than walking to him. He looked upwards then all around him, the feeling of dread and fear slowly taking over. He glanced downwards and tried waving his hands, groping for something. It was as if he was missing his hands too. 

"Boy..." A voice resounded from the deep blackness, old and weak, thick with bitterness. Mono's head spun to where it came from. And in the darkness, he saw a faint silvery gleam. Something was there and it was calling to him...

"Help me, boy..." the sound came again, louder this time, and with it came the buzzing of static. Mono felt his non-existent body floating towards the grey light. What am I even doing!? Whatever that was, it was drawing him closer and closer, and Mono couldn't fight back. It was as if was being pulled by the sweet songs of sirens only to be drowned and taken to the bottom of the ocean. 

"I'm here, Mono." The voice called. And Mono felt a sudden chill run down his spine at the mention of his name. The faint grey glimmer gave a sudden burst of light, and with it, a fraction of the black void became too blinding to look at. Mono shielded his eyes, it would seem that he had gotten his body back. As the light died out, Mono looked at his hands and turned them this way and that, at least he could see now...

looking around he found himself in a long, dimly lit hallway. And it seemed that gravity here was non-existent, for everything except him at least, as a dozen rocks were floating all around him and pieces of splintered woods were scattered all about and suspended in the air. Cracks as wide as watermelons gaped the floor beneath him, and overhead were splits in the concrete roof where spiderlings nestled. At the end of the hall, was a giant door. One that had some sort of metal in the shape of an eye at the top center. And eerily enough, that was where the voice was calling from. 

Mono struggled as he dodged and hopped over every crack in the floor before coming face to face with the door, "Help me..." The voice pleaded. And Mono reached for the door and placed his hand over the metal. The doorknob was well beyond his reach, no way to reach it. All of a sudden the floor shook under him, Mono wobbled and lost his footing then fell on his rear. The wooden platform beneath him rose and before long the doorknob was only inches away from him. All he had to do was reach for it. 

without hesitating he grabbed and pulled it down, and everything came crashing down. Once again, pitch blackness was all he saw. And before he knew it he was falling, his feet jerked and kicked, his mind screaming, but he would utter no cry. 

He met the floor, strangely cracking his skull open. He placed both hands on the hard stone surface as he struggled back to his feet, and moments later his body was running on its own, and all around him were a thousand fleshy eyes staring at him. Their gazes tailing him as he sprinted across a collapsing bridge. Mono slowly glanced upwards, a few feet away, was a figure in a yellow raincoat, kneeling at the other side of the gap, hand extended ready to catch him. Cries and shouts came from behind him, seemingly pleading. and the only thing he could make out from them were the words, "Mono! No! Please!" 

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