Kindred spirits

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HEY HEY! IT'S ME! I'm still breathing in case you're wondering! Well, last week's been hella crazy and I'm glad I made it out alive! 

I had more planned for this chapter, but the word count would have reached 5k

Anyway, the wait is over, HERE! A NEW CHAPTER! ENJOY! I won't warn you about the contents, that would spoil all the fun... ;)

Total word count: 3341


"Six, wait!" Mono called. He wasted not a single moment. Mono was running after her in a blink, skipping past the massacre left in her wake. No matter how tempting it was to look at it, Mono'd sooner keep his eyes forward, lest he wanted to see the gored corpse of the woman laying there drowning in the puddle of crimson. 

He kicked through the shattered porcelain pieces on the floor as he made for the exit. He was careful enough not to step on anything sharp. As he was about to step outside, a violent gust of wind blew past him, snaking through his clothes and freezing him to the core. The rain was pelting down from a starless black sky. Fat droplets of rain blew about haphazardly around the flickering street lamps and beat down on the roofs of the cars. Some even managed to sneak through the gaps of his paper bag and slap him across the face.

She's insane! She's out of her mind! Mono was already shivering. He placed his hands under the armpits of his jacket, warming them. He had to find her quickly. Mono looked about for a bit and found a small cardboard box laden with sodden sealed letters. He pushed the box over, spilling its contents all over the wet stone. He then grabbed it, ripped off a few of its edges and cut a gap for him to see through, and raised it above his head. 

Mono hopped down the steps and ran under the rain. He felt the droplets drumming the cardboard overhead. Soon enough, water started leaking through the gaps. They bounced off Mono's paper bag and slid down to its edges, falling off and snaking their way through the collar of his jacket. Before he knew it, Mono was already soaked through the bone, and his soul had grown cold. Goddamn it, Six. What were you thinking?

He strode across the streets. At first, he followed where the street lamps had led him. Past stores with shattered windows, down the hills, where rivers of black waters ran down. Around several square blocks. Where nothing more than a pile of wrecked and tumbled-over cars and the howling of drain pipes awaited. This was getting him nowhere. He had been running around aimlessly for twenty minutes now, and now the cardboard box was so soaked with rain that it tore apart as Mono adjusted it over his head. He cursed inaudibly, turning back to find shelter from the rain. There was a stone canopy just a few feet away on the other side of the street. It hung over the entrance of yet another abandoned building. Mono rushed and crossed the street, keeping what was left of the cardboard box over his head. Soon, he hopped onto the pavement staggered under the stone canopy, safe from the rain. He left the box back there in the streets to be swept away with the flowing waters.

He sat there shivering. He took off his coat, and he shook the rain off it, then placed it aside. He then pulled his white blouse from under his trousers and wrung the water out of it. His fingers were numb, and his feet... were they still there!? He couldn't feel them at all. He looked down to see that their color had turned pale blue. He let his fingers drift across them and tangling them between his toes. He felt nothing! If he kept this up, he was going to lose them. 

He stood on shaky legs and pushed the door to the building open. Cold... so cold! He looked around and found himself standing in the middle of a lobby, where a reception desk stood tall right in front of him, and behind it, hanging on the wall, were small rows of filing cabinets, each had its own number attached to it. On his left was a cart filled with luggage. Leather bags with clothing spilling out of them. Next to it was a stand where several umbrellas hung, but of course, they were too big for Mono to carry... 

Togetherness? - Little Nightmares - Mono x SixDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora