Chapter 2

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Remi POV

"Are you related to X-Static" John asked me

My eyes widened "Uhhhh no?" I said sounding unsure

John looked at me and raised and eyebrow. I'm sorry if it's a sensitive subject he said, I'll drop it.

"No it's fine" I said

"X-Static was m-my brother, Rei" I said my voice breaking. I felt tears creeping their way into my face.

I looked at John who's expression was unreadable. " I'm sorry" he said at last

"Why are you sorry, you didn't kill him" I said not being able to hold back the tears anymore after mentioning his death. I started sobbing into my hands until John grabbed my arm and hugged me

"Did your brother become a vigilante because he read the book Unordinary?" John asked me.

Still sobbing I nodded my head.

"Then i'm sorry" he said

"I still don't understand why you are apologizing" I said even more confused now

John sighed "My dad wrote Unordinary" he said hesitantly

"Oh" I said "So why are YOU apologizing"

"Uh" John said he was looking nervous " because my dad wrote it for me"

"For you, why did he write it for you" I asked

"I-Im sorry I can't tell you" he said

He couldn't tell me? Why not, is he hiding something? Legally can he not tell me or does he just not want to.

"I told you about Rei, now you have to tell me about why your dad wrote Unordinary for you" I said looking him dead in the eye.

"N-not h-here" John said releasing me from the hug.

I looked up at John who looked genuinely scared.

"Are you okay" I asked him raising and eyebrow.

"Y-Y-Yeah" John said

"Okay well if you don't want to tell here then I'll come to your dorm after school what's your room number?" I asked John

" I don't live in the dorms" John said 

" You don't?" I asked my eyes wide

"Nope" he said

" Okay I'll meet you at the school gates after school today, okay?" I said

" Do I have to?" He asked

"Yes" I said

" Fine" he concedes

"Good I'll see you then" I said smiling

I have John another hug which surprised him and me. I blushed then ran out of the infirmary

Arlo POV

I walked through the hallway looking for Isen. Yesterday I asked him to look into the school cripple John. So far he hasn't gotten back to me.

After a while I found Isen in a classroom with Blyke, I mean It was where he was supposed to be, which is why I didn't look there.

I opened the door of the classroom
and walked in

"Arlo" the teacher said "did you need somethin"

"Yes, I need to speak to Isen" I said looking at him

"Fine" the teacher said "Isen, go" she said looking at the orange and black hair boy.

Isen got up from his seat and followed me outside the classroom.

"Hey Arlo whatchu need" Isen said casually

"I want to know if you have started looking into John yet?" I said demandingly

"Oh yeah, about that" Isen said sheepishly "I was going to do an interview with him last period but I couldn't find him anywhere"

I sighed, " Well if you find him let me know" I said while walking away

"W-Wait" Isen said

I turned around "Hmm" I said

"Have you seen Remi around" Isen asked

"No why, is she missing" I asked

"No she's not missing but last period she was supposed to hang out with Blyke and I, because we all have a free period, but she never showed up, so I was going to interview John because Blyke went to do something else but I couldn't find him " Isen said

"Huh okay, weird, I said, well if I see her, I'll tell you" I said to Isen

"Okay thanks, I'll do the same" he said

"Bye" I said walking off

"Bye" said Isen

Still Arlo POV I just wanted to do a transition

I was walking around the school looking for something to do since Holden was in a class when I saw Remi running away from the infirmary.

"Remi" I said

"Oh Hey Arlo" she said stopping to look at me

"Isen was looking for you" I told her

"Oh right I was going to hang out with him and Blyke last period and I forgot" she said frantically

"If you don't mind me asking, where were you?" I asked

"I was helping a student get to the infirmary and Stayed with him until he woke up" she said

"Oh I said, who was the student" I asked

"You wouldn't know him so I doesn't matter" she said sighing

"Try me" I said

"Okay his name is John" she said

John, why would Remi help a cripple, I thought to myself.

"You're right I don't know him" I lied

"See told you" she said

"Anyways gotta run" she said

"Okay see ya" I said

John, huh


846 words

Just so you know I buffed everyone's power a little

John: 8.5

Remi: 6.0


Arlo: 7.0

Blyke: 5.2

Isen: 5.1

So yeah

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