Chapter 25

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John POV

"DAD?!?!?" I yelled

"Hey John" Dad said with a smile

Remi came up from behind me

"Hey Mr. Doe" Remi said giving another smile

"Hey Remi" Dad said

"What's happening?" Blyke yelled from the living room

"My Dad's here" I said

"Dad why are you here?" I asked

"Well you've been ignoring my calls and texts and my messages on the computer" Dad said

I looked at Remi

"Remi want to explain" I said

"Uhh" Remi said


Sunday after Isen and Seraphina left

"Remi get off" I complained

"No, you took my John cuddles" Remi said

I started walking towards the couch to dump Remi there, but I tripped over my computer charger

"Shit" I said before me and Remi fell

I fell flat on my face and Remi kinda flew off my shoulders and slammed into my table.

I got up and help Remi up. When she rose from the ruins of my table I saw that she had landed on my computer

"Oh shit" I said running over to my computer

I opened it and the screen was cracked and it was all fuzzy

"Hey John" Remi said

"What?" I said slightly pissed

She pointed at where I was just laying.

I saw my phone with the screen covered in cracks

I fell to my hands and knees and looked at the ground

"My phone... It was innocent" I said

"Uhh John" Remi started

"Shh, I must grieve" I said

Later that day I went and sent them off to be repaired.

*Flashback over*

"An incident happens and the devices were broken and are being repaired" Remi said

"An incident?" Dad asked

"Yep and that's all you need to know" I said

"Anyways it's only been three days, why did you come here" is asked

"Well given your.... Past, when you don't respond I get worried" Dad said

"That's....... fair" I said

"But I have friends over" I complained

"Great, you can introduce me" Dad said walking past me and through the door

"What's happening" Isen asked

"My dads here" I said as Dad walked in behind me

"Hello" Blyke said

"Greetings" Isen said

"Yo" Sera said

"Hello, I'm William John's dad" Dad said

"I'm Isen and those are my friends Blyke and Seraphina" Isen said point at Blyke and Sera

"Friends?" Remi said deadpanned

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