09 | harvest

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"The Marquis is willing to negotiate, but our problem right now is Cedric Byron," Gilbert stated.

"He refuses to divorce her."
I frowned in confusion. "But why ? He hates her so much that he threw her out onto the streets !"

"It is his own twisted way to get revenge on her," my brother
sighed. "He cannot physically hurt her, since she has House Winterbourne's backing. However, legally, he can refuse to divorce her. So, Lisbeth shall have to live like a widow eventhough her husband is alive and well, and she cannot remarry either."

I somewhat pitied Lisbeth's predicament, but I knew very well that she brought it upon herself.

Furthermore, I knew that she
also had a taste for power, just like myself. The Marquis of Lockebel, Lord Orion Morrison, was a high-ranked general, surpassing my own uncle and brother.

Tall and sinewy, with deep olive skin, jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, the Marquis was far more attractive than Lisbeth's husband, the powerless earl. This however, does not condone her actions.

Our family could provide her with more power than the Marquis
could even dream of having, but she decided to shame both herself and our family by bedding the Marquis.

"What do you think, Father ?" I asked, glancing at the earl, who was silent throughout the entire discussion.

Weary but wise purple eyes met mine, and they curved upwards as he smiled reassuringly. "I shall talk to the earl and convince him to get a divorce,"
he said simply.

Gilbert scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Talk ? Father, I tried to negotiate with him many times, and he always says the same thing. Lisbeth and I will always be husband and wife in god's
eyes, and I shall never let go of her and some other nonsense. It is pointless !"

"You were never very convincing, Gilbert," my father chuckled in amusement, but then his eyes became serious.

"Men who are direct and honest are easy to kill, son. Military prowess and strength is important, but it isn't everything. You might be invincible on the battlefield, but you would swallowed in a heartbeat if you were ever to enter the royal court."

Gilbert froze, face contorted with shame and disappointment.

"Yes, Father," was all that he could utter as he quietly lowered his head, and deep down, I felt pity for my brother.

While I was favoured by my father, and Lisbeth by my mother, Gilbert was not exactly loved. He was simply there. It was like he existed for no particular reason, just to be around, just to be there. My mother adored Lisbeth for her good looks, while my father liked
my wits, and although I found my brother to be an illustrious person with many good traits, it simply was not enough for them.

"What do you think will happen, Gil ? After all of this is over ?" I asked him during evening tea.

"After what is over, Annie?"

I laughed as I set my teacup down on the table. "After Edmund
claims the throne, you silly thing!" I said with a smile.

But despite my outward jubilance, deep down all I felt was dread.
Edmund was planning to oust King Edward in December, right after The Night of The Bright Sky, in the heart of winter. The Spring Festival came and went, and the impending invasion came closer with each passing day.

"You will be queen, Annie," Gilbert said with a smile. "Isn't that what you always wanted ? Oh, and I shall be the Queen's brother !"

I smiled bitterly as I stared at him oblivious, cheerful smile. "But
nothing will be the same again, Gil. Doesn't that scare you ?"

The Red Throne | TUQ Book TwoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora