23 | fear

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      "Her Majesty is lucky that she had not contracted the sweating sickness."

       "Are you sure ? Her nose was bleeding earlier-"

      "The Queen is likely exhausted from caring for the Princess Elisabeth. Nose bleeding is a common symptom of over-exhaustion."

     "Will she be alright, then ?"

     "With adequate rest and treatment, she will regain her health in no time, Your Majesty."

I feel the side of the bed dip, and a person lays down next to me, a warm palm pressed against my cheek. I was too tired to open my eyes, but I was still conscious of my surroundings.

        A pair of soft lips nuzzle against the crook of my neck, and a faint voice whispers, "Anne, forgive me."

His began to intertwine with mine, and those lips rained kisses all over my shut eyes.
       "Anne, you must know that I never wanted to take Melissa Hasteburn as my concubine.

The Marquis of Hasteburn promised his support and an army if I would grant him his wish once I ascended the throne. I had not expected his wish to be this."

         I slowly open my eyes, and I could see his head resting on my chest, his thick dark curls tickling my cheek.

              "You betrayed me," I whispered bitterly, turning my face away.

              "Betrayed you ?"

              "You said that I would be your one and only. But look, you've taken a concubine without asking for my permission. How long will it take for you to become just like your uncle ?"

              "I am not my uncle, Anne," he says desperately. "Tell me, what can I do to make you happy ?"

Edmund was perched by my bedside, clutching my hand tightly, his eyes filled with hope.

               "Do you plan to impregnate her ?" I ask coldly.

He frowns, and hesitantly shook his head. "It is expected of me, Anne."

               "Is that so ?" I chuckle. "I only have one request. Can you fulfil this one request of mine ?"

                "Of course, Anne," he said hopefully.

I smile. "All the children born from your union with her shall be raised by me.

        They will call me Lady Mother when they are all grown up, and they will only know Melissa Hasteburn as their father's concubine, nothing more than that."

Edmund stares at me, perhaps horrified by my viciousness. I knew that I was being cruel and heartless, but this is the only way for me to protect my position.

It would be disastrous if Melissa Hasteburn produces a son before I do, and with the Marquis's interventions, it would not be long until Edmund names him as his heir.

But of course, that will never happen. As long as my heart still beats, I will do everything I can to ensure that it will be my offspring who inherits the throne.

 As long as my heart still beats, I will do everything I can to ensure that it will be my offspring who inherits the throne

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The Red Throne | TUQ Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now