Chapter Five

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When Kaerim woke up early the next morning he felt like a whole new person. Vampyr. Person. Being. He felt like a whole new being. He felt even better after he showered. His first list of priorities for the day before his hearing was his wardrobe and a new trunk. He would also need a wand. Easy enough. Probably.

First, a trip back to Madame Malkin's was in order. He would need more than just the one set of formal robes he bought the day before. She was more than excited to outfit him with a wardrobe of mixed formalities and not need to spare expenses. His favourite item was most likely the basilisk skin boots she had found in the back of her shop. She was also able to equip him with some essential muggle items, so comfort wasn't completely lost to him.

He managed to slip next door and get a new trunk while Madame Malkin packed up his purchases. His new trunk was similar to his old one but did not have his initials on the end. He was just going to have to run on the assumption that he'd know which was his. His wand on the other hand, was not going to be as simple.

Olivander was excited to see Kaerim and was even more excited to find him a new wand. He became strangely subdued though, when Kaerim told him his old wand had been broken. Kaerim took, if possible, even longer to get a new wand than it did the first time he needed a wand. He was sure it had to do with coming to a light shop as a dark creature, but eventually, he managed to connect with a wand. It was oak with mature unicorn hair, firm, 11 inches. Excellent for defence. It also happened to be registered with the Ministry and the various traces that are placed on them. Meaning, Kaerim still cannot do magic.

With less than an hour to spare before he needed to meet his Court Representative, Kaerim headed to Knockturn Alley yet again. He was on the lookout for an under the bar shop that sold wands. He went into many grimy shops before he managed to walk out of one with a mahogany wand with threstrel blood core, springy, 9 inches. A good wand for dueling and eclectic types of magic. He put this wand in a holster on his ankle and his Ministry wand in a holster on his forearm.

With his mahogany wand, Kaerim shrunk his trunk and placed it in his robe pocket. He then apparated to the apparition point in the Ministry lobby. He had time to spare, so he dropped into the bathroom, expecting to not have time before or after his hearing. Albus Dumbledore was anything if not tenacious. If he doesn't try to crash the hearing, Kaerim will certainly be intercepted by someone before he has the chance to leave the Ministry.

Kaerim changes into some slightly less formal robes and puts his hair into order. This is one of the first times since he was last at Hogwarts that Kaerim really looks at himself in the mirror. He thinks he's grown a little bit. Maybe. Might just be his shoes. He still wasn't as tall as Ron, but he didn't think he was quite as short as he had been in June. His hair was past his shoulders and had straightened out to a barely manageable degree. His face was a tad more aristocratic looking, higher cheekbones, narrower jaw. His eyes were more of a killing curse green rather than an emerald green. Kaerim also had prominent fangs, he did his best to retract them, but his incisors still looked suspiciously sharp. He hoped they wouldn't be too obvious to the Ministry officials. He had filled out from where he had gotten all sunken in from malnutrition. He was still much slimmer than he had been at the end of June though, regrettably.

He smoothed his dark robes and finished tying his hair back before heading out of the restroom with his head held high. The Court Representative was late. And when Kaerim says late, he means, 25 minutes late. He blew past Kaerim before stopping abruptly and turning back to where Kaerim had been standing for the past half-hour.

"Well, come on! We're going to be late!"

Kaerim shook his head and followed the flustered man. At least he seemed put together enough that he might not completely ruin Kaerim's case, his lateness certainly lowered Kaerim's expectations. They handed their wands over to get registered before briskly making their way to the lift.

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