Chapter Eight

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The next morning was filled with commotion. Kaerim had first woken when he heard Mrs. Weasley wake up all in a flap about how they were going to miss the train. He leisurely had gotten ready and was sitting in the sitting room watching the chaos. Ginny almost got taken out by a flying trunk at some point and fell down the stairs.

They left to walk to Kings Cross station in groups so as to not raise as much suspicion. Kaerim was very doubtful that it worked, what with Moody taking all of their luggage, but he digressed. They had just finished offloading the luggage onto the train when the third group made it. Lupin, Ginny, Fred, and George approached them from the barrier.

"Any trouble?" asked Moody.

"None," said Lupin. "Well," he went around shaking hands. "Look after yourselves."

"Yeah. Keep your heads down and your eyes peeled. And remember, if there is any doubt of if you should send it a letter. Don't. Careful what you put in writing," added Moody gruffly.

Final goodbyes said and well wishes given, the Hogwarts students made their way onto the train as the final whistle blew.

"Well," said Fred, hands clasped together. "We can't stick around all day. Business to do, things to discuss with Lee. See you all later," he said, turning and walking down the compartment with George close behind.

"Shall we go get a compartment, then?" Ginny asked.

"Well, actually.... Ron and I have to go to the Prefects' carriage." Ron didn't look at Harry, just stared at the floor awkwardly.

"Nice. Well, Ginny, if we go now we can probably save places for them when they're finished with their meeting and patrolling." He motioned for her to lead the way.

"How did you?-"

"The Prefects always patrol the corridor," Harry said with a grin. "Come on! We'll be sitting in the hall if we don't get a move on!" Ginny laughed and began to walk down the train. The train continued to speed up. He shrunk his trunk, lightened it, and shoved it in his pocket. As they walked down the train he noticed as he peered into the full compartments that most people stared back and watched him as he staggered down the hall like a drunken sailor on a boat. He supposed he had the Daily Prophet to thank for this. Again.

In the last compartment, they found Neville Longbottom sitting awkwardly with a plant in his lap absolutely oozing discomfort and anxiety. The girl sitting across from him was completely oblivious to the fact that there was anyone else in the compartment at all. She was reading, or Harry assumed she was reading, a magazine upside down. Harry shrugged and sat next to Neville.

"Hi, Harry. Ginny. How was your summer?"

"Good!" "Eventful." They said together. "How about you, Neville?" Harry asked.

"It was pretty good,"

"Did you have a good summer, Luna?" Ginny asked the blond girl reading the magazine. Luna looked up and stared at Harry. Not in the way that the others on the train had stared, but with a glassy look over her eyes. He got the impression she saw both too much and not enough all at once.

"Yes," she said, not looking away from Harry.

"Luna Lovegood, this is Neville Longbottom, and-"

"Harry Potter. Yes, I've heard of him. But his name is different now."

"What? No, It's still Harry," Ginny said, confused.

Luna turned to Ginny and blinked, startled. "Who?" She then went back to reading her upside-down magazine. Ginny grinned and shoved a fist in her mouth to stifle her giggles. Neville shrugged and went back to admiring his plant.

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