Chapter 18

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"Why are you going to school at this time of the day?" Zoe asked me. "I forgot a few things at school. It will take only a few mins" I said grabbing my bag. "O Ok" She replied. I got down and walked to my school. I went up to the library to collect my books. I was studying here till late and then I realized that I was late so I left in a rush and forgot my textbook here. And I have an important test for which I need to study the whole weekend. 


I was listening to songs when I saw a few students walk into the school building. I recognize them. I think Ari had shown me a picture of them. What were their names tho? Ugh, it's on the tip of my tongue. I know them. For sure.


I grabbed my books from the table and shoved them into my bag. But suddenly the lights started to flicker. Sheesh, why does this stuff always happen to me? I heard footsteps. "Hello?" I said hoping someone would answer. "Is some there?" I asked but there was no response. Maybe am just imagining it. I was about to walk away from the table when suddenly a bunch of books fell to the floor. And I shrieked. My heartbeat increased. "IS SOMEONE THERE?" But there was still no response. Maybe I should leave. This is scary. 

I ran towards the door and tried to open it but its. LOCKED. fuck. Someone is in here. I remembered that there is another entrance that leads to the other hallway. But it was on the other side of the library. O God please help me. Please. 

I started to run again and the book from the shelves kept falling to the floor and I heard footsteps behind me but I was too scared to look back. I was afraid that if I look back they will get me. So I just ran as fast as I could even tho I knew there will be a point when I have to stop. When I won't be able to run anymore.  

I ran as much as I could and then stopped because I was having a hard time breathing. I went into one of the classrooms and hid. I locked the door and I stayed inside. I slid against the wall and for some reason, I couldn't help but cry. I felt so helpless. So powerless over this. I can't do anything. I don't have my phone and no one is even here to help. And I can't even run properly. I'm exhausted and out of breath. 

Suddenly I heard something break. Like glass being smashed on the floor. I don't think I can stay here any longer. I unlocked the door and started to run again. I ran as fast as I could. I went to the staircase that leads to the exit. But I saw a black hooded person standing on the top stairs. I screamed and ran again. I went down the stairs as fast as I could. I finally ran out of the school. And I went towards the car. "Drive. NOW." I said as I tried to breathe. But I couldn't. I couldn't breathe. It was like someone was choking me. And my heart was pounding. Everything was spinning. I was so confused. I heard Zoey saying something but I couldn't hear her. It was a blur. I was trying to take in as much oxygen as possible but I just couldn't breathe. And my sight began to darken. And I heard Zoe screaming my name but I couldn't respond. And soon I fell into darkness.

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