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2020 was a disaster. While Teena and Lando had spent his winter break doing all sorts of things, March was the beginning of the downfall that took over the world like a tsunami.

The F1 season was due to start in late March, but with a new disease appearing and causing worldwide panic, the Australian grand prix had been cancelled and forced all members of every racing team to return home, just three days before the race was supposed to go ahead.

Silver and Ben weren't so fussed that they had to spend every moment inside together, knowing they got to feel the full effect of her pregnancy and just how exciting it was to do all the online shopping for their little ones' nursery in due course.

Lando smiled to himself when he walked into his bedroom. He'd already been downstairs to do his daily training so he didn't have to do it whilst Teena was awake, knowing she got bored when she was on her own. Teena was still fast asleep in his bed, a sight he'd definitely want to see more frequently in the coming weeks, her hair sprawled out behind her and her skin literally glowing in the sunlight.

"Angel eyes, you can't sleep all day." Lando gently pushes her, the girl groaning and slapping his arm softly to get him to stop. He laughs to himself quietly before he moves over to the curtains and opens them, the sun cascading over his bed and on her face.

"Do you just hate me or something?" Teena asks quietly as she sits up, rubbing her eyes before she looks over at him.

"Depends." Lando shrugs.

"Well I'll let you off if you let me go back to sleep whilst you shower." Teena yawns, the girl not waiting for an answer and instead nestling herself in the warmth of his bed. Lando shook his head before he went into his bathroom, taking the next 25 minutes to shower and get changed before he walked back into his bedroom where Teena was, you guessed it, asleep again.

"Lando if you dare pull these covers off of me I'll give you silent treatment." Teena warns, sitting up and looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"I wouldn't dream of it, you get some more sleep, I'll be on the sim." Lando presses his lips to hers softly before he leaves his bedroom and Teena in peace.


Teena sat up in bed and checked her phone, 9 am, the perfect time to wake up in her case. She unlocked her phone and went through her notifications. She made sure to check up on Silver before checking her emails, the girl then finally deciding to get up out of bed to start her day. She threw on on some Nike leggings and the McLaren shirt Lando had given her from last season, slipping on some socks before she makes her way to the bathroom.

After she'd brushed her teeth and put her hair in a low ponytail, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. She made herself some oats and yoghurt with strawberries and blueberries on top before she went back upstairs, the girl going to Lando's sim room where he had been for the last two hours.

"Morning angel eyes." Lando beams, pausing his race to look at her.

"Swear you talk to me when my mouth is full on purpose." Teena says after she'd swallowed the breakfast in her mouth.

"Well, sometimes I do it to spur you on." Lando grins at her cheekily, the girl slapping his arm before she holds her spoon out for him. He takes it in his mouth and smiles at her, the boy having mixed feelings about what she was eating for her breakfast.

Pretty Green Eyes➛Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now