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Charlotte smiled as he watched Lando walk into the McLaren hospitality with his coat on, his papaya hat sitting on his head to keep his hair dry considering it was raining. Teena walked in not much later holding Button in her arms, her bag over her shoulder which was now dripping with water.

"You okay?" Charlotte asks, watching her nod as she sets Button down on the floor.

"At least he's completely dry." Teena replies, taking the coat she should've been wearing off of her dog. Charlotte takes it from her and slips it over one of the heaters to dry it off, handing her a towel to dry her hair off.

"Hey Button." One of the Mechanics beams, kneeling down to cuddle the small Samoyed pup. Teena huffed as she sat down upstairs, her dog coming upstairs soon after and lying down in front of her feet whilst she pulls out her MacBook to do some work.

"You could've offered her your coat." Daniel speaks, Lando looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I did but she told me off, she always does." Lando replies, scratching the back of his head for a moment.

"Lando is she alright?" Charlotte adds in.

"Uhm... I think so, she's been fine with me all morning, why?" Lando questions in response, looking between his teammate and PR officer.

"No reason." Charlotte shrugs in response, moving some of her blonde, short hair out of her face before she slips away from the two drivers and goes upstairs.

"Hey." Charlotte beams as she sits across from the Monegasque.

"Hey Charlotte." Teena beams at her, tucking some of her hair behind her ears before she looks back down at her laptop.

"You look... pale. Are you okay?" Charlotte questions.

Teena looked up from her laptop and nodded, trying her hardest not to tell the woman that her sight had gone quite blurry and she felt quite sick until Charlotte figured it out on her own. The blonde furrowed her eyebrows at her driver's fiance and shook her head, shutting the lid of her laptop before holding her hand out for the brunette to take.

"You look ill. Come on, you're lying down for a bit." Charlotte informs her, the girl not bothering to argue back with her. Teena lies down on one of the seats in Lando's driver's room, sighing deeply as Button follows and curls up on the floor in front of it. Charlotte smiles at her before she leaves, shutting the door behind her before grabbing all of the Monegasque's things and popping them onto a different counter, adding a sticky note to say that it was Teena's stuff.

"Is she okay?" Lando asks, pointing to his room.

"I'm unsure, she just looked really pale." Charlotte responds, watching Lando nod before the curly-haired boy goes over to his room.

"Hey angel eyes." Lando smiles.

"Hey pretty boy." Teena replies sleepily, the boy moving some hair out of her face to press his lips to hers.

"Stay here, get some sleep." Lando instructs her as if she was going to disobey him when she wanted to sleep anyway. 


Pretty Green Eyes➛Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now