39 - Enemy Of My Enemy

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I sat back in my seat, trying my hardest to not look bored. After avoiding my friends for another day, the girls had shown up at my house after school and dragged me to the nearest café to catch up.

There were other people our age so naturally the café was buzzing with conversation and stressed waitresses running around to collect orders. I resisted checking my phone to see if my boyfriend had texted me, instead opting to fiddle with the chequered table cloth.

"Taylor got expelled." Was the first thing Maya said as she sat opposite me. My eyebrows rose as Teresa and Melissa turned to stare at her in shock.

Maya nodded with a solemn expression, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder. "Yep, it's true. Brenda Mills confirmed it."

Brenda Miller ran the gossip mill at our school; she confirmed, denied and fuelled rumours. If she said something was true, it was true.

I didn't know how to feel. Sympathetic? Happy?

Teresa broke the silence, turning to her cousin and asking: "Does Brock know?"

Maya shrugged. "If he doesn't already he'll find out soon."

"I can't believe they broke up." Melissa stated, shaking her head and crossing her arms. I nodded in agreement.

"I never got what he saw in her anyway." Teresa commented. "Taylor is one mean girl."

"She wasn't that bad." I defended, surprising myself and everyone at the table.

There was a pause before Maya spoke up. "Isn't she the one behind that Instagram post? That's why she got expelled. They discovered it was her email that was used for the account."

Melissa's jaw dropped open and I raised my eyebrows. "How do you know all this?"

"Brenda Mills." Maya said simply and we all nodded. My eyebrows furrowed with this new information. Were Tobi and Alyssa aware?

As if my thoughts summoned her, Tobi entered the café. I watched as she looked around until her eyes landed on our table and she headed over. Teresa stood up to greet her and the table quieted down.

"Hey, girl!" Teresa greeted and they exchanged a hug. Tobi waved at us which we returned.

"I invited Tobi to join us since her and Chloe are cool now, if that's alright with everyone?"

"Fine with me." Maya said with a friendly smile which Tobi returned, and I agreed. I was quite glad to see her so we could discuss this newfound information. Melissa was strangely quiet.

"How do you guys know each other?" I asked Teresa who began to explain they'd formed a friendship after an incident with a teacher.

We were all laughing along to Teresa's animated storytelling skills when the café door swung open. Everyone's eyes turned to see the intrusion.

I wasn't that surprised to see Alyssa standing at the entrance. The sunlight from behind cast a shadow over her face, making her dark expression more intimidating.

She headed straight to our table, gaining everyone's attention. "Tobi and Chloe, can I speak to you please?"

I shared a glance with Tobi. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what this was about. Guess news travelled fast.

Tobi and I left the table, following Alyssa outside. I narrowly dodged a kid on his scooter and turned to face her. Her furious expression hadn't softened and she crossed her arms.

"You should have heard by now, but Taylor has been expelled." Alyssa stated, watching our faces closely. Mine gave nothing away but Tobi looked surprised. Alyssa's eyes narrowed at her.

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