Admitting feelings when you/he's drunk.

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 Admitting feelings when you/he's drunk.

Luke- You were drunk, extremely drunk. You hardly ever got this drunk. But you were upset. Another guy had screwed you over, dumped you on the second date. He kept saying you were ‘vacant’ and that you looked ‘uninterested’ and that was true because you were hopelessly inlove with your bestfriend. But he didn’t know that. You picked up your phone and dialed his number, “Luke!! Can you comeover?” You hiccuped. “Are you drunk?” He asked. And you explained what had happened that night, of course he came over right away. He wrapped his arms around you straight away when he came in the door, kissing the top of your head and making you a cup of tea. You kept going on these stupid dates with guys hoping that maybe you could get over Luke because you figured he would never love you back. “Luke I have to tell you something.” You stood up. “I-I..”“You what?” He stood up and grabbed your hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb, you loved when he did that. “I..I…I love you.” “I love you too but-“”No Luke you don’t understand.. I am inlove with you.” He didn’t say anything, he just stared at you with a blank look on his face. You had completely ruined this friendship and- all of a sudden he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and brought his lips to yours and kissed you deeply. When the kiss was over he rested his forehead on yours.”You don’t even know how long I’d been waiting for you to say that..I thought you thought of me as just a friend..”“I never thought of you as just a friend Luke.” You said before kissing him again.

Michael- Your phone buzzed from the nightstand at 2:30am and you groaned loudly before flipping over and grabbing it. Your bestfriend Michael’s name flashed across the screen and you answered. “’s 2:30 in the fucking morning. This better be good.” You said in a sharp tone that you typically didn’t use with him. “Hiiiii babbbeeeee!!!! You’re awakeeee!” He slurred. “Now I something wrong?” You asked. “I just loooove you soo muchhh.” “Okay…. and?” “Andddddd I want to kiss you all overr and fuck-” You heard a bunch of rustling and mumbling. “Hello? Michael? What’s going on?” Then someone else came to the phone. “Hey Y/N..could you come pick Michael up? He’s trashed and only wants to talk to you. He’s yelling at the rest of us.” Luke said. “Fuck..yeah fine. I’ll be there in 15 mintues.” You got up and put on a hoodie and your slippers and drove to Luke’s house. You knocked on the door and stood there shivering waiting for someone to answer. Ashton answered and pulled you in, slamming the door behind you. I could hear Michael screaming about something in the living room. “He got really angry cause Luke took his phone away..” Ashton said. “Michael, come on. Let’s go.” You announced and he ran over to you like a puppy, throwing his arms around you and giggling like a 4 year old. “I looooove you Y/N.. can we cuddle?” He smiled and played with the hair on the side of your face. “Fine, only if you hurry up and get your shit, I want to go to sleep.” “Can we do more than cuddle?” He asked and pinched your butt. You squeeled and slapped his hand away. “No Michael, we can talk about this when you’re sober. Let’s. Go. I won’t ask you again.” You said in your most mom-like voice. “Ohhhh I likee it when youu mom me. It’s soo fucking hot..” He said and you smirked to yourself. “Ew that’s wrong…” Ashton said and made a face.

Calum- You walked down the street in your barefeet, stumbling in the gutters and muttering to yourself. You’d been crushing on Calum for as long as you could remember, but he was constantly putting you in the friendzone. And the two of you had gotten into a huge fight about something stupid, you can’t even remember what now because you were piss drunk. You drank a whole bottle of wine and decided to talk over to his house. When you finally reached his doorstep it was 2 in the morning and you were banging on the door like a madwoman. “CALUM HOOD. OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!” You shouted and the door flew open. He was rubbing his eyes and standing there just in his boxers. “Oh wow..” You muttered under your breath, admiring his body. “Y/N? What the fuck are you doing? Do you know what time it is?” He whisper shouted at you. “It’s..” You checked your watch. “2am.” You smiled and walked into his apartment. “What in god’s name-” He started to say but you cut him off. “What’s wrong with me Cal? Why don’t you like me? Am I not hot enough to be with you??” You shouted and a tear rolled down your cheek and you sat on the couch and put your face in your hands. You felt him set on the couch next to you and he rubbed circles on your back softly. “Cal…I..I think I’m inlove with you.” He stopped moving and completely froze. You looked up at him and he was smiling. “Why are you smiling? ….I’m an idiot..” “If you’re an idiot then so am I.. that’s why I’ve been such a dick to you lately.. I..I was trying to hide my feelings for you.. I was scared you didn’t feel the same.” “You really are an idiot.” You hiccuped and kissed his cheek. “Can I sleep here tonight?” YOu asked and he nodded, laying you down on the couch and putting a fuzzy blanket on you before kissing your forehead. “Goodnight, we’ll talk about this tomorrow.” “I love you Cal.” “I love you too Y/N.”

Ashton- You were at Ashton’s birthday party that the boy’s had thrown for him. The boys all convinced you to play beer pong with them which ended in everyone being piss drunk. Somehow you also got dragged into playing spin the bottle which was also a version of 7 minutes in heaven. “Your turn Y/N..” Michael giggled and nudged you. “ I have to?” You groaned, you weren’t drunk enough to have to makeout with one of your bestfriends. “Yes. Now spiiiiiiiiiin.” Luke said laughing. So you leaned in and spun the bottle, it spun 3 times before pointing at Ashton. His face went bright red and he swallowed hard. “OOHHHH YESSSSSSSS!!!” Calum screamed. “THIS IS THE BESTT!!!” Michael joined in and you shot them all death glares. You reached your hand up to Ashton and lead him to the closet. You turned around to look at him and he was studying your face for some kind of reaction or emotion. “You don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to…” You said shyly. Even though now that you were in this situation..kinda wanted him to. “Why wouldn’t I want to?” Ashton slurred. “Because I’m not really your type am I? I’ve seen the girls you’ve brought home..” You said truthfully. “H-how could you say that? You are my type. YOU. I just bring those girls home to try and make you..jealous..” He admitted, staring down at his shoes. “W-wait..what?” “I really like you Y/N.. I don’t know how you haven’t noticed..” You didn’t quite know how to react..You liked Ashton but had never really thought too much into liking him in that sort of way. But you could certainly get used to the idea. “Kiss me.” You whispered, leaning in and he did without hesitation.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)Where stories live. Discover now