He Talks Bad About You To Another Member part 1

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Preference: He Talks Bad About You To Another Member.

Luke: “How’s things with (Y/N), mate?” You hear Ashton’s voice from down the hall as you’re in the laundry room, washing the last load for the night. You can’t fight the small smile that makes its way onto your face as you can only imagine it was going to be something good that Luke had to say about you since the two of you hadn’t argued in a while, you’d been having very intimate sessions almost every night lately, and not to mention he’d taken you out to get an idea as to which engagement ring you would want when he finally decided to pop the question. You did pick the most expensive ring you could find - but it wasn’t intentional! You weren’t paying attention to the prices at all; your eyes were just focused on the jewels on the rings, so of course once Luke had told you that it was out of his price range - you understood and then decided to pick the least expensive ring you could find. “Ugh,” Luke groans loudly as you stop folding the boxers you’d just pulled out of the dryer. “She’s putting me out of money, dude. I took her to find a ring the other day, she picked out one that was over four-thousand dollars. I can’t spend that much on one ring!” He continues to rant on about you, making you want to shrivel into the floor to hold your knees to your chest to cry. It wasn’t intentional that you’d wanted to buy a nice and pretty ring. You were just a girl that liked to pay attention to the glamour instead of the finances that came along with it. “Not to mention she’s putting me up to the sky in bills. Phone bills, water bills… She’s just too much of an expensive girlfriend.” Luke finishes, causing you to gasp loudly. You shake your head and bite your lip, continuing to do your laundry. You’d just have to show Luke how less expensive you could be.

Ashton: You had just laid down to take a nap when Michael came over, so Ashton didn’t bother to wake you up since he knew you were tired. He took his friend into the living room and sat down on the couch with a few beers, playing a re-run of some TV series you had recorded to pass some time until you woke up. Realizing that it was going to be a while until you woke up, Michael decided to go ahead and ask the question he’d been wondering ever since Ashton had decided to make you his official girlfriend those nine months ago. “So, what’s it like having (Y/N) as your girlfriend now?” He smirked to himself as Ashton looked at him, rolling his eyes as he took another long swig of the beer that was now starting to taste raunchy to him. It was too early to be drinking for Ashton’s preference, but it was just a habit for him to drink with Michael - so he was going to have to push the harsh taste aside. “It was great for the first six months, let me tell you. We were in love with each other, we couldn’t keep our hands off - damn, there wasn’t a day that went by when we were bored! But,” He stops his sentence, checking to make sure that you weren’t in the hallway listening and once he didn’t see you - he turned back to Michael and continued to talk. “She literally does nothing anymore. She’s so boring now! Like, I can’t go out hardly because she feels like staying in and cuddling - she won’t even drink anymore! I’m just getting to the point where I’m bored with our relationship, Mikey. I don’t know.” He sighs, unaware of the fact he was talking very loudly, and that you’d woken up and had heard every last bit of what he said.

Calum: “So tell me again just where (Y/N) is?” Ashton asks with a smirk as he leans across the pool table, hitting the ball and missing the hole by just a few centimeters. Calum looks at his band mate and nods his head outside towards his house that he shared with you, a grimace making its way upon his face. “She’s in the house talking to her brother or some shit like that,” He sighs as he leans over the table after Luke to take his own shot. Ashton raises his eyebrows and gets an amused look upon his face as he nudges Michael to listen. “Is something not right between the two of you, lad?” He asks, making Calum shake his head and shrug his shoulders. It was true that the two of you had been on the rocks lately because of your stress for school and such, but it wasn’t all completely your fault! Calum had made you angry by staying out late with the boys and coming home piss drunk - hell, that was the main reason you’d let him build the pool building so he could invite the boys over. At least he wouldn’t be on the roads drunk and he wouldn’t be taking too long to get home to you - worrying you to death in the process. “No, we’ve been arguing for a fucking month straight.” Calum snaps as he leans up and against his pole, watching as Michael bent to take his shot. “She keeps nagging me for going out and having fun because it worries her and all that shit. Not to mention the fact she’s been keeping her nose so far into her books she doesn’t even try to acknowledge me unless I’m drunk anyways.” Calum sighs and shakes his head. “Our relationship is just a real bust now-a-days.” He says the last part sadly, unaware of the fact that you’d just come out of the house to bring him and the boys another case of beer - hearing every word he’d said about you and your relationship together.

Michael: It wasn’t your fault that you’d been raised in an extremely religious family - it wasn’t your fault that you were taught to wait until marriage to have sex, and maybe that was what Michael had been so upset about. It’d been two years into your relationship and you still hadn’t had sex with him, not even a handjob or blowjob or anything. Neither of you had touched the other - and you were actually quite surprised that Michael hadn’t cheated on you to relieve himself, which made you feel like a shitty girlfriend for expecting him to stoop that low just to get some. You were in the shower when Michael received a call from his best friend, Luke. “Hello?” He called out into the phone, relaxing once he heard that familiar voice on the other line. The two boys talked for about ten minutes as you were still in the shower - water still running hot and loud when Luke decided to bring up the one thing that Michael didn’t want to remember. “Have you popped the cherry yet, dude?” He laughed as soon as Michael shook his head and let out a loud groan. No, he hadn’t - and it sucked that Luke was the only one in the band who knew the truth about it, because he couldn’t ask the other boys about their opinions without them making fun of him for not getting it sooner than the two year mark. “No, (Y/N)’s too fucking religious and prude to let me even see her in her bra and panties, mate.” Michael sighs, trying to lower his voice as soon as he hears the water shut off. Luke chuckles on the other line. “So in other words, you’re just gonna have to either get on your knees and beg like a dog-” Michael interrupted his band mate with laughter. “I don’t beg!” He said. Luke cleared his throat and continued on to talk. “Or, you can be respectful of her religion and her priorities and you can marry the girl to take something as special as her virginity from her.” Luke said, causing Michael to shake his head and forget the volume of his voice as you stepped out of the bathroom door. “I’m not gonna marry her just for a fuck, mate.” Well. That hurt.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)Where stories live. Discover now