Chapter Eighteen

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To Henry, the kiss tasted like honey on his tongue, and also the touch of a burning brand on his skin. He felt the shock as it rippled through his frame and he shuddered, his fingers drawing Phoenix even closer, his nostrils inhaling the rosy smell of the guy’s body. It was like a fire had been burning within him, rendering him senseless with the exquisite sensation of the heat and preventing the common sense he had from intruding. For the second time in his entire life he was kissing another guy and he loved every moment of it.

There was nothing but the pleasure of the kiss for him to feel and he could not even make the effort to try and feel even slightly guilty because of his wife. He had never asked for this, but now that it was here, there was nothing for him to do except to welcome it with all he had in him.

He pulled closer and held the young actor tighter, and he was touching every part of the guy’s body which yielded to him like butter melting in the heat of the frying pan. He wished the guy could really melt more, and then he was pushing the guy down to the tabletop, his fingers brushing away the files and folders that sat on the table. He was unmindful of what he was doing; all he knew was that he must have Phoenix in the here and the now, and there was nothing more to it.

‘I have dreamt of this moment for so long,’ Henry murmured, and then he was loosening his tie and flinging the thing away as if it was on fire. He was unbuttoning his shirt and pulling at it, freeing it from the waistband of his trousers and then shoving the thing away from his hips so that it slid down. He stepped out of the material and then pulled his boxers down from his lean hips, and his tumescent organ sprang free and full, ripe and begging for action. Then he bent forward again, lost to his passion, and he was kissing his old lover again, and he knew that he could never get enough.

There would never be enough of the actor for him, of that he was sure.

Phoenix was stroking his hard butts and he emitted a low moan of pure animal passion, a torture to his mind, and then he was fumbling with the elaborately designed buckle of the guy’s belt. But Phoenix laughed and stayed his hand, and then proceeded to unbuckle it and rid himself of both his corduroy trousers and his sexy underwear; everything about Phoenix was really sexy.

There was a wild look in the eyes of the actor as he said, ‘Isn’t this crazy? You cannot really be doing this.’

But Henry only laughed and felt the need to educate the guy about the fact that it was nearing dark and his employees would never dare to disturb him when they were supposed to be getting ready to go home, some of them living as far as Ajah. Then the play resumed, all initiated by him, and then he felt Phoenix moving down to his penis which was really and truly painfully erect. He felt the rush of hot tears to his eyes as Phoenix took the thing that seemed to have a free will into his mouth. There was the prick at the back of his mind, telling him that he was married, but he was really past caring now because of the fact that he felt that was trying to only be the person he’d been pre-conditioned to be by forces which were beyond his control.

Henry had never been this wild with desire in his whole life before, one that had been repressed for a very long time and was now trying to explode out of him. He was gay, and no amount of pussy and sex from his dutiful wife would ever take that fact away, for there was no way he could be expected to change who he was for a society that glorified murderers and gave them chieftaincy titles when all they really and truly deserved was the electric chair or imprisonment for all eternity. These were men that stole the money of the country away from here in their Ghana-must-go bags, to different countries, and the people were all suffering. Yet, nothing was done to them; instead, they were all patted on the back as if they had done great.

How he found himself on the floor of the plush office, with Phoenix right there with him, kissing and stroking him, he did not know. He was wild, and then there he was, getting a condom on- had he been anticipating the fact that one day he would take Phoenix here one day?- and then he was sliding into the guy. Tears were flowing from his eyes as he felt the tightness of the guy closed around his shaft, and he felt the rush of pleasure zapping through him. This felt so right to him. It felt as if he was entering home, and to hell with the consequences of what he was doing here.

It was as if he was finally home where he belonged and with whom he was supposed to be with.

That was all there was to it.

Phoenix was kissing him and making sounds of endearment in his throat, and Henry was laughing, holding the guy close and stroking his hair. They lay there on the floor for several minutes before Henry found the need to stand up and start getting dressed. The air around them was heavy with the smell of their perfumes and the unmistakable smell of sex. There was nothing like it in this world, that was for sure.

Then the telephone on the table rang, and Henry picked up the receiver, knowing that it was Fiona and that, for the very first time since their marriage, he would have to lie to her about what he was doing at the office. But what was a little lie in the grand scheme of things?

‘Baby, I am still at the office because I have a lot of loose ends to tie up with some of our suppliers in China who emailed me minutes ago. Then I may have to go to Obalende to see someone, so I think I will run late tonight. I miss you already, darling.’ He listened to the usual words about being careful on the treacherous Lagos roads, and then he bade her goodbye and hung up.

He turned around.

There was Phoenix standing there, and in the light that was filtering in through the window, there was something about his expression that made Henry to pause and look at him closely. The guy’s face was a blank.

‘Now, you’re in the office,’ he said. ‘What will you say about the fact that you may have to tell her one day that you’re cheating on her?’

Henry smiled and said nothing because he felt that there was nothing for him to say because he knew that words were not needed. He had what he always wanted; he had Phoenix now. And he was not letting him go.

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